A plugin for Typedoc
This plugin allows you to document your modules by the name of the 'modulefolders'.
This plugin is thankfully inspired by, and based on, https://github.com/asgerjensen/typedoc-plugin-external-module-map , but does not require a regex. And it runs recursively through all your folders and finds every module specified by the 'foldername.module'
Suppose you have
Typedoc will create a tree structure of the modules. The index.ts files are used to document the module of the folder
- module1
- otherfiles
- module2
- otherfiles
Typedoc 0.4 has the ability to discover and load typedoc plugins found in node_modules. Simply install the plugin and run typedoc.
npm install --save -dev typedoc-plugin-folder-modules
The Plugin will automaticly be attached to typedoc if you install it the way described above
./node_modules/typedoc/bin/typedoc --out ./docs ./src --mode modules --theme default