B4nan / nest-fastify-als

Repository from Github https://github.comB4nan/nest-fastify-alsRepository from Github https://github.comB4nan/nest-fastify-als

Nest + Fastify + AsyncLocalStorage middlewares

This demonstrates that middlewares are not working if fastify is installed as a regular dependency. When it is removed from package.json, after reinstall the middleware starts to work, for both GET and POST requests.

yarn start
curl localhost:3000
# fails to get the ID from ALS if there is actual payload
curl -d '{}' localhost:3000
# without the payload it will work fine (even for post request)
curl -X POST localhost:3000

Calling GET (or POST without payload) several times will log:

In Middleware with id 0
get 0
In Middleware with id 1
get 1
In Middleware with id 2
get 2

Calling POST with payload:

In Middleware with id 0
post undefined
In Middleware with id 1
post undefined
In Middleware with id 2
post undefined



Language:TypeScript 79.3%Language:JavaScript 20.7%