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Transformers in Small Object Detection: A Benchmark and Survey of State-of-the-Art

For adding your transformer-based object detector results into the tables below, please send us an email including the values for each column and a copy of the paper showing your results.

Email: aref.mirirekavandi@gmail.com


Taxonomy of small object detection using transformers and popular object detection methods assigned to each category. image


image image


Generic Applications (MS COCO) (Last Update: 15/06/2023)

Detection performance for small-scale objects on MS COCO image dataset (eval). DC5: Dialated C5 stage, MS: Multi-scale network, IBR: Iterative bounding box refinement, TS: Two-stage detection, DCN: Deformable convnets, TTA: Test time augmentation, BD: Pre-trained on BigDetection dataset, IN: Pre-trained on ImageNet, OB: Pre-trained on Object-365. $*$ shows the results for COCO test-dev.

Model Backbone GFLOPS/FPS #params $\text{mAP}^{@[0.5,0.95]}$ Epochs URL
Faster RCNN-DC5~(NeurIPS2015) ResNet50 320/16 166M 21.4 37 https://github.com/trzy/FasterRCNN
Faster RCNN-FPN~(NeurIPS2015) ResNet50 180/26 42M 24.2 37 https://github.com/trzy/FasterRCNN
Faster RCNN-FPN~(NeurIPS2015) ResNet101 246/20 60M 25.2 -- https://github.com/trzy/FasterRCNN
RepPoints v2-DCN-MS~(NeurIPS2020) ResNeXt101 --/-- -- 34.5* 24 https://github.com/Scalsol/RepPointsV2
FCOS~(ICCV2019) ResNet50 177/17 -- 26.2 36 https://github.com/tianzhi0549/FCOS
CBNet V2-DCN~(TIP2022) Res2Net101 --/-- 107M 35.7* 20 https://github.com/VDIGPKU/CBNetV2
CBNet V2-DCN(Cascade RCNN)~(TIP2022) Res2Net101 --/-- 146M 37.4* 32 https://github.com/VDIGPKU/CBNetV2
DETR~(ECCV2020) ResNet50 86/28 41M 20.5 500 https://github.com/facebookresearch/detr
DETR-DC5~(ECCV2020) ResNet50 187/12 41M 22.5 500 https://github.com/facebookresearch/detr
DETR~(ECCV2020) ResNet101 52/20 60M 21.9 -- https://github.com/facebookresearch/detr
DETR-DC5~(ECCV2020) ResNet101 253/10 60M 23.7 -- https://github.com/facebookresearch/detr
ViT-FRCNN~(arXiv2020) -- --/-- -- 17.8 -- --
RelationNet++~(NeurIPS2020) ResNeXt101 --/-- -- 32.8* -- https://github.com/microsoft/RelationNet2
RelationNet++-MS~(NeurIPS2020) ResNeXt101 --/-- -- 35.8* -- https://github.com/microsoft/RelationNet2
Deformable DETR~(ICLR2021) ResNet50 173/19 40M 26.4 50 https://github.com/fundamentalvision/Deformable-DETR
Deformable DETR-IBR~(ICLR2021) ResNet50 173/19 40M 26.8 50 https://github.com/fundamentalvision/Deformable-DETR
Deformable DETR-TS~(ICLR2021) ResNet50 173/19 40M 28.8 50 https://github.com/fundamentalvision/Deformable-DETR
Deformable DETR-TS-IBR-DCN~(ICLR2021) ResNeXt101 --/-- -- 34.4* -- https://github.com/fundamentalvision/Deformable-DETR
Dynamic DETR~(ICCV2021) ResNet50 --/-- -- 28.6* -- --
Dynamic DETR-DCN~(ICCV2021) ResNeXt101 --/-- -- 30.3* -- --
TSP-FCOS~(ICCV2021) ResNet101 255/12 -- 27.7 36 https://github.com/Edward-Sun/TSP-Detection
TSP-RCNN~(ICCV2021) ResNet101 254/9 -- 29.9 96 https://github.com/Edward-Sun/TSP-Detection
Mask R-CNN~(ICCV2021) Conformer-S/16 457/-- 56.9M 28.7 12 https://github.com/pengzhiliang/Conformer
Conditional DETR-DC5~(ICCV2021) ResNet101 262/-- 63M 27.2 108 https://github.com/Atten4Vis/ConditionalDETR
SOF-DETR~(2022JVCIR) ResNet50 --/-- -- 21.7 -- https://github.com/shikha-gist/SOF-DETR/
DETR++~(arXiv2022) ResNet50 --/-- -- 22.1 -- --
TOLO-MS~(NCA2022) -- --/57 -- 24.1 -- --
Anchor DETR-DC5~(AAAI2022) ResNet101 --/-- -- 25.8 50 https://github.com/megvii-research/AnchorDETR
DESTR-DC5~(CVPR2022) ResNet101 299/-- 88M 28.2 50 --
Conditional DETR v2-DC5~(arXiv2022) ResNet101 228/-- 65M 26.3 50 --
Conditional DETR v2~(arXiv2022) Hourglass48 521/-- 90M 32.1 50 --
FP-DETR-IN~(ICLR2022) -- --/-- 36M 26.5 50 https://github.com/encounter1997/FP-DETR
DAB-DETR-DC5~(arXiv2022) ResNet101 296/-- 63M 28.1 50 https://github.com/IDEA-Research/DAB-DETR
Ghostformer-MS~(Sensors2022) GhostNet --/-- -- 29.2 100 --
CF-DETR-DCN-TTA~(AAAI2022) ResNeXt101 --/-- -- 35.1* -- --
CBNet V2-TTA~(CVPR2022) Swin Transformer-base --/-- -- 41.7 -- https://github.com/amazon-science/bigdetection
CBNet V2-TTA-BD~(CVPR2022) Swin Transformer-base --/-- -- 42.2 -- https://github.com/amazon-science/bigdetection
DETA~(arXiv2022) ResNet50 --/13 48M 34.3 24 https://github.com/jozhang97/DETA
DINO~(arXiv2022) ResNet50 860/10 47M 32.3 12 https://github.com/IDEA-Research/DINO
CO-DINO Deformable DETR-MS-IN~(arXiv2022) Swin Transformer-large --/-- -- 43.7 36 https://github.com/Sense-X/Co-DETR
HYNETER~(ICASSP2023) Hyneter-Max --/-- 247M 29.8* -- --
DeoT~(JRTIP2023) ResNet101 217/14 58M 31.4 34 --
ConformerDet-MS~(TPAMI2023) Conformer-B --/-- 147M 35.3 36 https://github.com/pengzhiliang/Conformer
YOLOS~(NeurIPS2021) DeiT-base --/3.9 100M 19.5 150 https://github.com/hustvl/YOLOS
DETR(ViT)~(arXiv2021) Swin Transformer-base --/9.7 100M 18.3 50 https://github.com/naver-ai/vidt
Deformable DETR(ViT)~(arXiv2021) Swin Transformer-base --/4.8 100M 34.5 50 https://github.com/naver-ai/vidt
ViDT~(arXiv2022) Swin Transformer-base --/9 100M 30.6 50 https://github.com/naver-ai/vidt/tree/main
DFFT~(ECCV2022) DOT-medium 67/-- -- 25.5 36 https://github.com/PeixianChen/DFFT
CenterNet++-MS~(arXiv2022) Swin Transformer-large --/-- -- 38.7* -- https://github.com/Duankaiwen/PyCenterNet
DETA-OB~(arXiv2022) Swin Transformer-large --/4.2 -- 46.1* 24 https://github.com/jozhang97/DETA
Group DETR v2-MS-IN-OB~(arXiv2022) ViT-Huge --/-- 629M 48.4* -- --
Best Results NA DETR FP-DETR Group DETR v2 DINO NA

Small Object Detection in Aerial Images (DOTA) (Last Update: 15/06/2023)

Detection performance for objects on DOTA image dataset. MS: Multi-scale network, FT: Fine-tuned, FPN: Feature pyramid network, IN: Pre-trained on ImageNet.

Model Backbone FPS #params mAP Epochs URL
Rotated Faster RCNN-MS~(NeurIPS2015) ResNet101 -- 64M 67.71 50 https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmrotate/tree/main/configs/rotated_faster_rcnn
SSD~(ECCV2016) -- -- -- 56.1 -- https://github.com/pierluigiferrari/ssd_keras
RetinaNet-MS~(ICCV2017) ResNet101 -- 59M 66.53 50 https://github.com/DetectionTeamUCAS/RetinaNet_Tensorflow
ROI-Transformer-MS-IN~(CVPR2019) ResNet50 -- -- 80.06 12 https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmrotate/blob/main/configs/roi_trans/README.md
Yolov5~(2020) -- 95 -- 64.5 -- https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5
ReDet-MS-FPN~(CVPR2021) ResNet50 -- -- 80.1 -- https://github.com/csuhan/ReDet
O2DETR-MS~(arXiv2021) ResNet101 -- 63M 70.02 50 --
O2DETR-MS-FT~(arXiv2021) ResNet101 -- -- 76.23 62 --
O2DETR-MS-FPN-FT~(arXiv2021) ResNet50 -- -- 79.66 -- --
SPH-Yolov5~(RS2022) Swin Transformer-base 51 -- 71.6 150 --
AO2-DETR-MS~(TCSVT2022) ResNet50 -- -- 79.22 -- https://github.com/Ixiaohuihuihui/AO2-DETR
MDCT~(RS2023) -- -- -- 75.7 -- --
ReDet-MS-IN~(arXiv2023) ViTDet, ViT-B -- -- 80.89 12 https://github.com/csuhan/ReDet
Best Results NA Yolov5 RetinaNet ReDet-MS-IN ReDet-MS-IN NA

Small Object Detection in Medical Images (DeepLesion) (Last Update: 15/06/2023)

Detection performance for DeepLesion CT image dataset.

Model Accuracy $\text{mAP}^{0.5}$
Faster RCNN~(NeurIPS2015) 83.3 83.3
Yolov5 85.2 88.2
DETR~(ECCV2020) 86.7 87.8
Swin Transformer 82.9 81.2
MS Transformer~(CIN2022) 90.3 89.6
Best Results MS Transformer MS Transformer

Small Object Detection in Active Milli-Meter Wave Images (AMWW) (Last Update: 15/06/2023)

Detection performance for AMWW image dataset.

Model Backbone $\text{mAP}^{0.5}$ $\text{mAP}^{@[0.5,0.95]}$
Faster RCNN~(NeurIPS2015) ResNet50 70.7 26.83
Cascade RCNN~(CVPR2018) ResNet50 74.7 27.8
TridentNet~(ICCV2019) ResNet50 77.3 29.2
Dynamic RCNN~(ECCV2020) ResNet50 76.3 27.6
Yolov5 ResNet50 76.67 28.48
MATR~(TCSVT2022) ResNet50 82.16 33.42
Best Results NA MATR MATR

Small Object Detection in Underwater Images (URPC2018) (Last Update: 15/06/2023)

Detection performance for URPC2018 dataset.

Model #params $\text{mAP}^{@[0.5,0.95]}$ $\text{mAP}^{0.5}$
Faster RCNN~(NeurIPS2015) 33.6M 16.4 --
Cascade RCNN~(CVPR2018) 68.9M 16 --
Dynamic RCNN~(ECCV2020) 41.5M 13.3 --
Yolov3 61.5M 19.4 --
RoIMix~(ICASSP2020) -- -- 74.92
HTDet~(RS2023) 7.7M 22.8 --
Best Results HTDet HTDet RoIMix

Small Object Detection in Videos (ImageNet VID) (Last Update: 15/06/2023)

Detection performance for ImageNet VID dataset for small objects. PT: Pre-trained on MS COCO.

Model Backbone $\text{mAP}^{@[0.5,0.95]}$
Faster RCNN~(NeurIPS2015)+SELSA ResNet50 8.5
Deformable-DETR-PT ResNet50 10.5
Deformable-DETR+TransVOD-PT ResNet50 11
Deformable-DETR+FAQ-PT ResNet50 13.2
Best Results NA Deformable DET+FAQ

Visual Results

Detection results on a sample image when zoomed in. First row from the left: Input image, SSD, Faster RCNN, DETR. Second row from the left: ViDT, DETA-OB, DINO, CBNetv2. image


If you found this page helpful, please cite the following survey papers:

  title={Transformers in Small Object Detection: A Benchmark and Survey of State-of-the-Art},
  author={Rekavandi Miri, Aref and Rashidi, Shima and Boussaid, Farid and Hoefs, Stephen and Akbas, Emre and Bennamoun, Mohammed},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.04902},

  title={A Guide to Image and Video based Small Object Detection using Deep Learning: Case Study of Maritime Surveillance},
  author={Rekavandi Miri, Aref and Xu, Lian and Boussaid, Farid and Seghouane, Abd-Krim and Hoefs, Stephen and Bennamoun, Mohammed},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.12926},
