Azure4Arjun / SQL-Server-Maintenance

Standardized database maintenance for SQL Server, built over popular Ola Halengreen's procedures.

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SQL Server Maintenance

Standardized database maintenance for SQL Server, built over popular Ola Halengreen's procedures.

Official documentation of one-script maintenance solution. More detailed info within documentation file.

Table of contents:

1 Introduction

This document describes maintenance solution used for keeping SQL Server in good condition purposes as agreed maintenance standard used on all SQL Server environments which is deployed after SQL Server instance installation. By default it is configured on agreed schedules but can be manually customized after deployment to the instance directly in SQL Agent jobs. All environment specific need can be meet by modifications to standard implementation, for more info regarding to customization of Ola Halengreen’s scripts can be found at official sites. Maintenance can be deployed to SQL Server versions >= 2005 (SQL Server 2000 not supported but some solution is in long term plans to have one script maintenance solution as this one)

2 Technical preview

Whole solution is mostly based on popular Ola Hallengren’s maintenance procedures (visit here for more details Olla’s procedures have been modified so as to fit needs described in standard specified in our team. Script is creating maintenance jobs as its main objection. All tasks performed on the target SQL Server instance are listed below.

Script perform following stuff:

  • create OH procedures in master database
  • create and drop helper procedures in master database
  • create SQL Agent jobs (full backup, differential backup, log backup, integrity check and index optimize, recycle error log)
  • schedule SQL Agent jobs based on agreed standard times
  • rename maintenance job syspolicy_purge_history
  • optimize tempdb according to best practices (this is optional)
  • change initial size and Autogrowth on model and tempdb database based on our agreed standard

Some of above described actions are not executed automatically but can be fired by changing input parameters, for more info see section Deployment

All important info also included in script header, containing also some short update history.

3 Deployment

Only thing you have to do is to copy script from its official storage on GitHub. Copy script to SQL Server Management Studio and set parameters if needed, by default parameters are set as following (all of them are pretty self-commented). You can change them based on environment you are deploying to.

SET @CreateJobs = 'Y' -- Create maintenance jobs Y/N
SET @LogToTable = 'Y' -- Log commands to a table Y/N
SET @NotifyApplog = 'Y' -- write notification to APPLOG when job fails Y/N
SET @CreateSubfolders = 'N' -- Create subfolders for backups ex.: {BackupPath}\User\Translog...if not all backups are in root backup folder
SET @BackupTimeStampSuffix = 'Y' -- Affect backup file name, when set to Y then file name includes actual timestamp ex.: ..._20181126_133840.trn
SET @RunJobs = 'N' -- Run some jobs after deployment Y/N
SET @RemoveJobs = 'N' -- Remove maintenance jobs Y/N
SET @OptimizeTempdb = 'N' -- Optimize tempdb database Y/N
SET @AddStartupParameters = 'N' -- Add optimizing startup parameters Y/N (traceflags 1117 and 1118)
SET @SharePointInstance = 'N' -- Is this instance hosting SharePoint databases (chnages in backups) Y/N
SET @BizTalkInstance = 'N' -- Is this instance hosting BizTalk databases (chnages in backups) Y/N
SET @DelayMinutes = 15 -- count of minutes which will be used in delays between instances installed on the server

You can also change script body if there is something that you do not like there, but only by your own responsibility!

You can deploy to single server or to more servers using registered servers, where script will be executed in parallel on all registered instances (never mind if running on one or more servers).

One important thing is that script is creating delayed schedules for more instance running on same machine. Because of reducing system resources load during run at same time on all instances. You can set delay by parameter @DelayMinutes. Then every installed instance is given index based on value in registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server under value of key name IntalledInstances.

3.1 Exceptions in environments

Parameters: @SharePointInstance, @BizTalkInstance

Some application specific SQL environments requires some exception in SQL maintenance, for example BizTalk related SQL databases are handled by backups from BizTalk application. Or SharePoint databases can be handled by 3rd party tool like DocAve. There are prepared switch parameters at the script beginning to modify maintenance accordingly. Now there are only two exceptions for mentioned BizTalk and SharePoint environments as described below.

If instance is marked as @SharePointInstance then only system databases are handled by this maintenance solution. User databases are handled by DocAve in this situation.

If instance is marked as @BizTalkInstance then exceptions for standard BizTalk databases are included in backup step of user databases. Then parameter in script is set as following

@Databases = 'USER_DATABASES, -BAMPrimaryImport%, -BAMAlertsApplication%, -BAMAlertsNSMain%, -BizTalkDTADb%, -BizTalkMgmtDb%, -BizTalkMsgBoxDb%, -BizTalkRuleEngineDb%, -SSODB%, -BAMStarSchema%, -BAMAnalysis%, -BAMArchive%, -BizTalkAnalysisDb%'

This exclusion is done based on official BizTalk documentation

3.2 Optimize TempDB

Parameters: @OptimizeTempdb There are some optimization recommendations regarding TempDB performance. Based on MS best practices following TempDB configurations should be followed for optimal performance of TempDB database:

  • database files should be stored on separate disk drives to provide exclusive IO operations just for communication with this database on disk drives (this is not object of maintenance solution and should be done by design of environment)
  • database files should be divided into number of files equally to count of logical processors but maximally up to 8, then advantages of parallel accessing become disadvantage because of internal management of SQL engine
  • database auto growth and initial size should be the same on all files mentioned in previous step. We have chosen following values for our standard. Initial size is set to 512 MB and file growth is set to 256 MB which are agreed values not causing any overload when performing auto growth of files and similar issues.

More info about TempDB optimization can be found on official MS web pages

3.3 Optimize model settings

The model database is used as the template for all databases created on an instance of SQL Server. Because tempdb is created every time SQL Server is started, the model database must always exist on a SQL Server system. The entire contents of the model database, including database options, are copied to the new database. Some of the settings of model are also used for creating a new tempdb during start up, so the model database must always exist on a SQL Server system.

We are changing model database configuration to more efficient and optimal values in our standardized solution. We are changing initial file size and file growth attributes of this database from default values to agreed values providing some performance improvements on newly created databases with default configuration in comparison to default values set after installation of SQL Server instance. Values change described in table below.

Attribute Default value Changed value
Autogrowth for data file By 1 MB, Unlimited By 128 MB, Unlimited
Autogrowth for log file By 10 percent, Unlimited By 64 MB, Unlimited
Initial size for data file 5 MB 128 MB
Initial size for log file 2 MB 64 MB

For more info about model database see official MSDN article

4 After deployment

4.1 Direct results

After proper execution you can check messages for detailed steps which have been done over instance and also for possible related error messages.

SQL Server maintenance template - deployment of solution
STEP : Instance RYBNITOM has instance index 0 on this server
STEP : Collecting of instance data complete
STEP : Creating OH stuff in master database complete
STEP : Helper procedures created
STEP : Checking status of SQL Server Agent service
STEP : Folder for output files created in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.RYBNITOM\MSSQL\LOG
STEP : Job Maintenance_BackupFull created
STEP : Job Maintenance_BackupDiff created
STEP : Job Maintenance_BackupTlog created
STEP : Job Maintenance_IntegrityAndCleanup created
STEP : Job Maintenance_OptimizeWeekend created
STEP : Job Maintenance_OptimizeWeek created
STEP : Job Maintenance_ErrorLogRecycle created
STEP : Job syspolicy_purge_history not found
STEP : All helper objects dropped
Maintenance solution successfully deployed

And in some cases you may be asked for schedules or you can use it for self-review of schedules for deployed jobs or you can attach to install change etc. there is result table with job names and schedules.

job_name schedule
Maintenance_OptimizeWeek Occurs Every 1 Week(s), On MonTueWedThuFri, At 3:00 A.M.
Maintenance_BackupDiff Occurs Every 1 Week(s), On MonTueWedThuFriSat, At 10:30 P.M
Maintenance_BackupFull Occurs Every 1 Week(s), On Sun, At 10:30 P.M
Maintenance_OptimizeWeekend Occurs Every 1 Week(s), On Sun, At 3:00 A.M.
Maintenance_ErrorLogRecycle Occurs Every 2 Week(s), On Sun, At 2:00 A.M.
Maintenance_BackupTlog Occurs Every 1 Day(s), every 1 Hour(s) Between 12:00 A.M. and 11:59 P.M
Maintenance_IntegrityAndCleanup Occurs Every 1 Week(s), On Sat, At 3:00 A.M.

4.2 System databases

You can also can see tempdb and model database file properties have been changed that it was changed if parameter @OptimizeTempdb is set to Y (what means YES). File autogrowth and initial size modified to meet some optimal values rather than go with default ones. Can be benefical for non DBA teams taking care of SQL Server databases.

4.3 SQL Agent jobs

This section describes SQL Agent jobs deployed to the target SQL Server instance by executing mentioned script. All jobs are part of SQL Server maintenance since deployed and all colising Maintenance plans or user defined SQL AGen jobs should be disabled or removed if there are any to prevent duplicate maintenance or backup tasks done.

Following list contain short description for all steps in all jobs that are part of solution.For more info about procedures executed in steps, read offical Ola Halengreen’s documentation.

Every step also contains link to official Microsoft documentation of SQL Server maintenance tasks and related command and procedures used to run them.






  • Integrity Check – DBCC CHECKDB with full scans over all objects in databases
  • Command Log Cleanup – removing records older than 30 days from [master].[dbo].[CommandLog] table
  • Output Files Cleanup - removing files older than 30 days from output files folder (<> + \Maintenace_OutputFiles)
  • History Cleanup - removing records older than 30 days from system tables



Maintenance_SyspolicyPurgeHistory (just renamed syspolicy_purge_history job)

  • Verify that automation is enabled.
  • Purge history.
  • Erase Phantom System Health Records.

All suggested SQL Server database maintenance tasks are pretty well described at this site This maintenance solution is trying to find some accurate way to meet all database needs and include standardization definitions and schedules for use in company which is taking care of many SQL Server environments and want to keed all instances in good health condition.

4.4 SQL Agent jobs schedules

All schedules are set up during deployment as agreed standardized and optimal schedules for related SQL Server maintenance task. If SQL Server instance require different schedules because of some reason it can be modified after deployement same as whole maintenance solution can be (and also should be) modified to fit exact needs of SQL Server instance it is deployed to

4.5 Database backup retention

Following drawing is describing available retore times that are feasible when standardized SQL Server maintenance is used for taking care of database backup reoutines. Drawing does not describe point-in-time restores for databases in full recevory model. Backup of transaction log is running every 1 hour by default (can be adjusted for frequently changed databases)


5 Possible problems

There was testing of the solution ongoing for several weeks for debugging and tuning purposes and all known problems has been fixed already, but as everything also this script can cause some issues in different environments. I’m assuming only following possible issues:

  • problems with old backup files removal
  • problems with compression on not supported SQL versions/editions (partially fixed)

And some other possible problems can be related to OH stuff in the solution so, please be so kind and try to check this FAQ first before asking me directly.

5.1 Reporting issues

Please report all found issues, current version of the solution is the first one and require some debugging to be “perfect”. Here are some contacts you can use:


Standardized database maintenance for SQL Server, built over popular Ola Halengreen's procedures.


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