Azure / hpcpack-high-availability

Algorithms for doing leader election and name resolving with the help of another HA system, serve as anticorruption layers.

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Anticorruption HA Module

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Algorithms for doing leader election and name resolving with the help of another HA system, serves as anticorruption layer.



  • I: intervalfor heartbeat (e.g. 1 sec)
  • T: heartbeat timeout (e.g. 5 secs)
  • T > 2 * I


  • Heartbeat Table: A table in the external HA system contains heartbeat entry.
  • Heartbeat Entry: in the format {uuid, utype, timestamp}
  • ha_time: current date time of the external HA system
  • All time is in UTC time


  • UpdateHeartBeat(uuid, utype):

    For each type, update entry {old_uuid, utype, old_timestamp} in heartbeat table with {uuid, utype, ha_time}.

    For each type, if uuid is not equal to old_uuid, then (ha_time – old_timestamp > T) must be satisfied.

    The update process uses optimistic concurrency control. e.g. if the heartbeat entry has been updated before another heartbeat reaches, the later heartbeat is discarded.

  • GetPrimary(utype):

    Return (uuid, utype) in heartbeat entry with the corresponding query utype if (ha_time - timestamp <= T). Else return empty value.


  1. After a client S started, it generates a unique instance ID uuid to identify itself and marks itself with the exact utype, which it will work as in the future.

  2. S calls GetPrimary(utype) every I secs.

  3. If GetPrimary(utype) returned empty value, S calls UpdateHeartbeat(uuid, utype).

  4. Continue to call GetPrimary(utype) every I secs.

    a. If subsequent call to GetPrimary(utype) returns (uuid, utype) generated in 1, S will then work as primary.

    b. If subsequent call to GetPrimary(utype) returns a unique ID which is different from uuid and the same type with utype generated in 1, go back to 2.

    c. If subsequent call to GetPrimary(utype) returns an empty value / a corrupted message, error occurred in 3. Retry 3.

  5. S call UpdateHeartBeat(uuid, utype) and GetPrimary(utype) every I sec.

    a. If GetPrimary(utype) returns anything except (uuid, utype), or didn't return for (T - I) secs, exit itself and restart.

Spec in TLA+

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Algorithms for doing leader election and name resolving with the help of another HA system, serve as anticorruption layers.

License:MIT License


Language:TSQL 61.0%Language:C# 37.9%Language:TLA 1.0%