Azure-Samples / MachineLearningSamples-DocumentCollectionAnalysis


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Document Collection Analysis

NOTE This content is no longer maintained. Visit the Azure Machine Learning Notebook project for sample Jupyter notebooks for ML and deep learning with Azure Machine Learning.

Link to the Microsoft DOCS site

The detailed documentation for this real world scenario includes the step-by-step walkthrough:

Link to the Gallery GitHub repository

The public GitHub repository for this real world scenario contains all materials, including code samples, needed for this example:

This scenario demonstrates how to summarize and analyze a large collection of documents, including techniques such as phrase learning, topic modeling, and topic model analysis using Azure ML Workbench. Azure Machine Learning Workbench provides for easy scale up for very large document collection, and provides mechanisms to train and tune models within a variety of compute contexts, ranging from local compute to Data Science Virtual Machines to Spark Cluster. Easy development is provided through Jupyter notebooks within Azure Machine Learning Workbench.


With a large amount of data (especially unstructured text data) collected every day, a significant challenge is to organize, search, and understand vast quantities of these texts. This document collection analysis scenario demonstrates an efficient and automated end-to-end workflow for analyzing large document collection and enabling downstream NLP tasks.

The key elements delivered by this scenario are:

  1. Learning salient multi-words phrase from documents.

  2. Discovering underlying topics presented in the document collection.

  3. Representing documents by the topical distribution.

  4. Presenting methods for organizing, searching, and summarizing documents based on the topical content.

The methods presented in this scenario could enable a variety of critical industrial workloads, such as discovery of topic trends anomaly, document collection summarization, and similar document search. It can be applied to many different types of document analysis, such as government legislation, news stories, product reviews, customer feedbacks, and scientific research articles.

The machine learning techniques/algorithms used in this scenario include:

  1. Text processing and cleaning

  2. Phrase Learning

  3. Topic modeling

  4. Corpus summarization

  5. Topical trends and anomaly detection


The prerequisites to run this example are as follows:


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License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 95.2%Language:Python 4.8%