Mohammad Azim's starred repositories
💯 Curated coding interview preparation materials for busy software engineers
🛡️ ⚛️ A simple, scalable, and powerful architecture for building production ready React applications.
A rewrite of the old legacy software "depends.exe" in C# for Windows devs to troubleshoot dll load dependencies issues.
An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces, express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.
A comprehensive list of new ES features, including ES2015 (ES6), ES2016, ES2017, ES2018, ES2019
With Razor Pages
🕸 Yet Another .NET Clean Architecture, but for Microservices project. It uses Minimal Clean Architecture with DDD-lite, CQRS-lite, and just enough Cloud-native patterns apply on the simple eCommerce sample and run on Tye with Dapr extension 🍻
A state-of-the-art distributed system using Reactive DDD as uncertainty modeling, Event Storming as subdomain decomposition, Event Sourcing as an eventual persistence mechanism, CQRS, Async Projections, Microservices for individual deployable units, Event-driven Architecture for efficient integration, and Clean Architecture as domain-centric design
🪣 A practical e-commerce modular monolith, built with .Net 7, Domain-Driven Design, CQRS, Vertical Slice Architecture, Event-Driven Architecture, and the latest technologies.
Example of an implementation of Repository and Unit of Work Patterns with MongoDB for ASP.NET Core.
ASP.NET Core Web API with React, Entity Framework, Elasticsearch, Paypal integration