Azeirah / llm-coder-eval

Evaluate an LLM for day-to-day coding assistance fitness

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


What local Large Language Model (LLM) do you choose as your coding assistant? This is difficult to easily decide; to pick a model you need to find the right balance between output quality and hardware requirements. Of course that juicy 70B finetune is the best, but that won't run on your 3060. At the same time, that Camelid-13B-V2 is a great roleplaying model, but is it any good at Golang?

This Repository intends to build a framework for evaluating models for exactly this. Day-to-day performance as a coding assistant for software developers.

Why use this?

The goals is to provide a clear signal whether any model is a good fit for being a coding assistant or not.

This should be to go-to place to find the right model for your work and hardware.

A new model comes out? Use this evaluation framework to see if it's any good as a coding assistant.

Evaluation principles

Here are the principles to help you find the best model:

  • πŸ”¨ It's a tool: The questions are not meant to be interview questions, the LLM is meant to assist you during coding, it's not your next hire.
  • πŸ”‹ Batteries included: A good assistant can help you with coding-adjacent tasks as well: Regular Expressions, Shell globbing, linux commandline, Windows powershell, AWS and Azure, etc.
  • πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ’» Human evaluated: Each prompt and output is to be evaluated by a software engineer with relevant experience by hand, adding nuanced commentary on how the model did, if it could have done different, if the output is correct, etc.
  • πŸ“ No numeric scores: You want a great model? The only way you can really know if it's any good is by actually using it. Other leaderboards attach a single number to the overall performance of a model. This is nice for general ranking, but not when you want to decide what model is actually best for you.

The results

TODO: This is still a very new project

The prompts

The prompts are in this markdown file


This project needs contributors! I'm primarily focused on web technology and I will be contributing Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP/Laravel, MySQL prompts.

How can you help?

For now, I'm mostly looking for questions you needed an answer to in your daily work, especially questions based in other programming languages

  • Rust
  • Go
  • C and C++
  • Ruby
  • Mostly anything goes as long as it is a relatively mainstream language (Clojure, Haskell, Elm, Idris etc are totally ok)

When we have more prompts I hope others will help out running and evaluating prompts for a model of their choosing.

There's an evaluation document template in this repository that's meant as a base/template for an evaluation of ONE model of a specific quantization. As more prompts get added, others can add the new prompts to the existing documents.



Evaluate an LLM for day-to-day coding assistance fitness