Azeemering / Splunk_TA_Netscout_AED

Splunk Technical Add-On for Netscout Arbor Edge Defense

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Splunk Technical Add-On for NETSCOUT Arbor Edge Defense (AED)

Basically there are 3 options for selection of export format of the logs:

  • Legacy
  • CEF
  • LEEF

This app will match the Legacy format.

There was an existing TA from Arbor on hxxps:// from 2019, but that did not match any of the traffic when sending events to a Syslog server. That app expects the format to be CEF or LEEF. So I wrote a new TA to CIM all the appropiate fields to the Intrusion Detection Datamodel and CIM it accordingly. This app is for Legacy mode data export to syslog.

The regular expressions will match on similar events that are formed according to this structure:

2022-05-13T15:32:31.000000+02:00 HOSTNAME arbor-networks-aps:Blocked Host: Blocked host at 15:32 by Invalid Packets using TCP/22 (SSH) destination source port 54900,EPOCH: 1652448750,PGID: 69,PGNAME: pg_yourpgname,URL: hxxps://yourhostname/summary/

2022-05-16T10:49:19.000000+02:00 HOSTNAME arbor-networks-aps:Change Log: Username: system, Subsystem: ATLAS Intelligence Feed, Message: AIF Update requested: Rules: updated. Reputation Feed: updated.,URL: hxxps://yourhostname/administration/changelog/

2022-05-16T09:27:27.000000+02:00 HOSTNAME arbor-networks-aps:Bandwidth: Traffic for protection group 'pg_yourpgname' exceeded the threshold above the baseline. The traffic level was 7.48 kpps.,URL: hxxps://yourhostname/groups/view/?time_interval=between&time_start=2022-05-16T09%3A20Z&timezone=Default&mode_state=between&unit_select=pps&id=141&time_end=2022-05-16T09%3A35Z

2022-05-16T02:40:08.000000+02:00 HOSTNAME arbor-networks-aps:Cloud Signaling: The Cloud Signaling provider does not manage the traffic for any of the protected host prefixes in protection group 'Default Protection Group, pg_DEFAULT-PROTECTION-GROUP-IPV6, pg_TEST-COMCERT, pg_xx-01_xxx-1, pg_xx-02_xxxxxxxxxxxx, pg_xx-04_xxxxxxxxx, pg_xx-05_xxxxxxxxx, pg_ST-23_pg_xx-xx_xxx-Internet'.,URL: hxxps://yourhostname/summary/

For support, questions or suggestions contact me @

Next version is currently in development. This will support all 3 logging formats.


Splunk Technical Add-On for Netscout Arbor Edge Defense