Azats174 / docker-kolab

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Kolab 16 in a Docker

Kolab Logo

This is Kolab image for docker.

Installation is supports automatic configuration kolab, nginx, opendkim, fail2ban and more...


This project is effectively unmaintained. I will do my best to shepherd pull requests, but cannot guarantee a prompt response and do not have bandwidth to address issues or add new features. Please let me know via an issue if you'd be interested in taking ownership of docker-kolab.

Quick start

Run command:

docker run \
    --restart on-failure:1 \
    --name kolab \
    -h \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro \
    -v $PWD/kolab/data:/data:rw \
    -v $PWD/kolab/config:/config:rw \
    -v $PWD/kolab/spool:/spool:rw \
    -v $PWD/kolab/log:/log:rw \
    -e TZ=Europe/Moscow \
    -e LDAP_ADMIN_PASS=<password> \
    -e LDAP_MANAGER_PASS=<password> \
    -e LDAP_CYRUS_PASS=<password> \
    -e LDAP_KOLAB_PASS=<password> \
    -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASS=<password> \
    -e MYSQL_KOLAB_PASS=<password> \
    -e MYSQL_ROUNDCUBE_PASS=<password> \
    -p 80:80 \
    -p 443:443 \
    -p 25:25 \
    -p 587:587 \
    -p 110:110 \
    -p 995:995 \
    -p 143:143 \
    -p 993:993 \
    -p 4190:4190 \
    --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN \
    --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
    --tty \

It should be noted that the --cap-add=NET_ADMIN and -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro option is necessary only for Fail2ban, if you do not plan to use Fail2ban, you can exclude it.


You can use the docker-compose for this image is really simplify your life:

version: '2'
    restart: on-failure:1
    image: kvaps/kolab:16
    hostname: mail
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
      - ./kolab/data:/data:rw
      - ./kolab/config:/config:rw
      - ./kolab/spool:/spool:rw
      - ./kolab/log:/log:rw
      - /run
      - TZ=Europe/Moscow
      - LDAP_ADMIN_PASS=<password>
      - LDAP_MANAGER_PASS=<password>
      - LDAP_CYRUS_PASS=<password>
      - LDAP_KOLAB_PASS=<password>
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASS=<password>
      - MYSQL_KOLAB_PASS=<password>
      - MYSQL_ROUNDCUBE_PASS=<password>
      - '80:80'
      - '443:443'
      - '25:25'
      - '587:587'
      - '110:110'
      - '995:995'
      - '143:143'
      - '993:993'
      - '4190:4190'
      - '389:389'
      - SYS_ADMIN
      - NET_ADMIN
    tty: true



Put your key and certificates to /opt/kolab/etc/pki/tls/kolab Alternative you can use kvaps/letsencrypt-webroot image, In this case, be sure to specify these options:

    -e 'CERT_PATH=/etc/letsencrypt/live'
    -e 'LE_RENEW_HOOK=docker restart @CONTAINER_NAME@' \

Note: Nginx in this image is already configured for use /tmp/letsencrypt as directory for letsencrypt checks

Available Configuration Parameters

Please refer the docker run command options for the --env-file flag where you can specify all required environment variables in a single file. This will save you from writing a potentially long docker run command. Alternatively you can use docker-compose.

Below is the complete list of available options that can be used to customize your kolab installation.

Basic options
  • TZ: Sets the timezone. Defaults to UTC.
  • WEBSERVER: Choose the backend. May be apache or nginx. Defaults to nginx.
  • FORCE_HTTPS Sets webserver for force redirect to https. Defaults to true.
  • NGINX_CACHE Enable nginx and fastcgi cacheing. Defaults to false.
  • SPAM_SIEVE: Sets the global sieve script to place mail marked as spam into Spam folder. Defaults to true.
  • SPAM_SIEVE_TIMEOUT : Sets how often to run a check of global sieve script for users. Defaults to 15m.
  • FAIL2BAN: Enables Fail2Ban. Defaults to true.
  • DKIM: Enables DKIM signing. Defaults to true.
  • CERT_PATH: Path to the certificates. Defaults to true.
Set the passwords

By default passwords generates automatically and printing at the end of the installation script. You can specify the passwords you want to use.

  • LDAP_ADMIN_PASS: supply a password for the LDAP administrator user 'admin', used to login to the graphical console of 389 Directory server. Defaults to random.
  • LDAP_MANAGER_PASS: supply a password for the LDAP Directory Manager user, which is the administrator user you will be using to at least initially log in to the Web Admin, and that Kolab uses to perform administrative tasks. Defaults to random.
  • LDAP_CYRUS_PASS: supply a Cyrus Administrator password. This password is used by Kolab to execute administrative tasks in Cyrus IMAP. You may also need the password yourself to troubleshoot Cyrus IMAP and/or perform other administrative tasks against Cyrus IMAP directly. Defaults to random.
  • LDAP_KOLAB_PASS: supply a Kolab Service account password. This account is used by various services such as Postfix, and Roundcube, as anonymous binds to the LDAP server will not be allowed. Defaults to random.
  • MYSQL_ROOT_PASS: supply the root password for MySQL, so we can set up user accounts for other components that use MySQL. Defaults to random.
  • MYSQL_KOLAB_PASS: supply a password for the MySQL user 'kolab'. This password will be used by Kolab services, such as the Web Administration Panel. Defaults to random.
  • MYSQL_ROUNDCUBE_PASS: supply a password for the MySQL user 'roundcube'. This password will be used by the Roundcube webmail interface. Defaults to random.
Advanced configuration
  • KOLAB_RCPT_POLICY: Enables the Recipient policy. Defaults to false.
  • KOLAB_DEFAULT_LOCALE: Sets default locale for Kolab. Defaults to en_US.
  • MAX_MEMORY_SIZE: Sets the maximum memory size for php. Defaults to 256M.
  • MAX_FILE_SIZE: Sets the max upload size. Defaults to 30M.
  • MAX_MAIL_SIZE: Sets the max letter size. Defaults to 30M.
  • MAX_MAILBOX_SIZE: Sets the posfix mailbox size. Defaults to 50M.
  • MAX_BODY_SIZE: Sets the the max body size for nginx. Defaults to 50M.
  • ROUNDCUBE_SKIN: Sets the skin for roundcube, may be larry or chameleon. Defaults to chameleon.
  • ROUNDCUBE_ZIPDOWNLOAD: Enables zipdownload plugin. Defaults to true.
  • ROUNDCUBE_TRASH: Sets how delete mails. May be flag or trash. Defaults to trash.
Configuring another milter,

This settings disables amavis with clamd and configures another milter

  • EXT_MILTER_ADDR: Sets the milter address and port. Example to inet:rmilter:11339.
  • EXT_MILTER_PROTO: Sets the milter protocol. Defaults to 4.


I use pipework image for passthrough external ethernet cards into docker container.

See examples, that's realy simple!

Update notes

For update from previous versions of my docker image, please follow these simple steps:

  • 2015-11-03: Update supervisord config:
# Сheck which services is startup (not commented)
cat /data/etc/supervisord.conf
# Make the same
vi /etc/supervisord.conf
# Replace your file with a new
cp -f /etc/supervisord.conf /data/etc/supervisord.conf
  • 2015-01-24: If you have not default.bc script:
# Create default sieve script
mkdir -p /data/var/lib/imap/sieve/global/
cat > /data/var/lib/imap/sieve/global/default.script << EOF
require "fileinto";
if header :contains "X-Spam-Flag" "YES"
        fileinto "Spam";
# Compile it
/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/sievec /data/var/lib/imap/sieve/global/default.script /data/var/lib/imap/sieve/global/default.bc


License:MIT License


Language:Shell 93.8%Language:Dockerfile 6.2%