AyushiVashisth / ez-works

Aims to develop a secure file-sharing system using Python, Flask, and a database system (SQL or NoSQL). It caters to two distinct user types: Operation Users (Ops Users) and Client Users. Ops Users can log in and upload specific file types

Home Page:https://ezapi-plii.onrender.com

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

✨✨Secure File Sharing System for Different User Types✨✨

Aims to develop a secure file-sharing system using Python, Flask, and a database system (SQL or NoSQL). It caters to two distinct user types: Operation Users (Ops Users) and Client Users. Ops Users can log in and upload specific file types (pptx, docx, xlsx), while Client Users can sign up, verify their email, log in, download files, and view a list of uploaded files. Security is a top priority, with encrypted download URLs that only Client Users can access. Testing is essential to ensure the system's reliability, and deployment would involve using WSGI servers and reverse proxy servers while maintaining robust security measures. Backend Test.pdf

Backend API 👉 Click here

Languages and Tools


nodejs expressjs mongodb


git git github npm vscode render

vscode slack

Deployed On:

vercel cyclic


  1. User Types: The system supports two user types: Operation Users (Ops Users) and Client Users.

  2. User Actions:

    • Ops Users:

      • Login to their accounts.
      • Upload pptx, docx, and xlsx files.
    • Client Users:

      • Sign up for an account (with encrypted URL returned).
      • Verify their email through sent verification emails.
      • Log in to their accounts.
      • Download files securely using encrypted URLs.
      • List all uploaded files.
  3. Security:

    • Encrypted Download URLs: Secure download links are generated for client users, ensuring that only they can access the files.
    • Authentication and Authorization: Implement authentication and authorization mechanisms to control user access.
    • Email Verification: Verify client user emails to enhance security.
  4. File Types: Ops Users can upload specific file types, including pptx, docx, and xlsx.

  5. Database: Utilize either SQL or NoSQL databases to store user data and file metadata.

  6. Testing: Implement unit tests to ensure the reliability and correctness of the system.

  7. Deployment: Deploy the system to a production environment using WSGI servers and reverse proxy servers for efficient handling of incoming requests while maintaining security protocols.

  8. Scalability: Design the system with scalability in mind to accommodate future growth and increased user demands.

Languages Used :

      ◉ Python : 98.3%
      ◉ C : 1.4%
      ◉ Other : 0.3%

This report is provided by the GitHub language used stats. So, this is the total percentage of the coding languages.

Prerequisites :

  • Python
  • python app.py

Installing :

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine
  2. Navigate to the project directory
  3. Run npm install to install the required dependencies
  4. Run ng serve --open to start the development server

An individual project, completed in a duration of 4 days.

Our Learnings :

On this journey, we faced many issues, but we kept motivated each other with patience.

  • We learned how to write more efficient and clean code.

  • Even though We also learned how to plan a project and how to execute it step by step.

  • Through this Project, we have learned to effectively improve productivity.

  • We also got a glimpse of using GitHub for version control.


We welcome contributions to the Secure File Sharing System for Different User Types website. If you have an idea for a new feature or have found a bug, please open an issue in the repository.

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✨Thank You✨


Aims to develop a secure file-sharing system using Python, Flask, and a database system (SQL or NoSQL). It caters to two distinct user types: Operation Users (Ops Users) and Client Users. Ops Users can log in and upload specific file types



Language:Python 98.4%Language:C 1.4%Language:PowerShell 0.2%Language:JavaScript 0.1%Language:CSS 0.0%Language:Batchfile 0.0%