AyushBherwani1998 / dApp-store-ref-android

dApp Store reference Implementation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




• Flutter SDK

flutter --version
Flutter 3.3.9 • channel stable • https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
Framework • revision b8f7f1f986 (4 months ago) • 2022-11-23 06:43:51 +0900
Engine • revision 8f2221fbef
Tools • Dart 2.18.5 • DevTools 2.15.0

How to run

  • flutter pub get
  • flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
  • flutter run

Before you start building

  • Goto /lib/config/config.dart and update Config.sentryDSN, WalletConnectConfig.projectId and WalletConnectConfig.metadata with your own configuration before start building on top of this repo.

  • Goto /lib/config/config.dart and Change Config.customApiBaseUrl and change it to you own hosted Backend base URI

Structure Overview


  • /config - Configurations like API endpoints, projectID, URL etc
  • /core - Core utilities like network, storage, di, error, localization, router, etc. being used app-wide.
  • /core/application - Base App and necessary dependencies.
  • /core/application/init - Initialise utilities that need to started before runApp().
  • /core/di - Dependency injectoion used inside the app.
  • /core/error - Check for network availability. Ex - throw SomeException();
    • Exceptions - Classes used for throwing exceptions on root layer.
    • Failures - Classes used for returning failures or errors on repository level. Ex - Either<SomeFailure, Unit> someFunc() {}
  • /core/installed_apps - Logic to check for installed app on the device, that can be used thorughout the app.
  • /core/localisation - Logic regarding the device locale and changing locale.
  • /core/network - Network requests client wrapper.
  • /core/permissions - App permission cubit and states.
  • /core/platform_channel - Native android task that are done through platform channels foes here, like intalling apps.
  • /core/router - Navigation router wrapper for customised routing and adding custom route observer.
  • /core/signer - Signer interface.
  • /core/store - Cache store classes.
  • /core/theme - Theme related models, cubit and states.


  • /features - Feature implementations.
  • /features/feature_name - Feature specific implementations.
  • /features/feature_name/application - Controller or state-mangement utilities.
  • /features/feature_name/application/handler - All the on-tap, on-click handler function used in UI.
  • /features/feature_name/application/cubit - Bloc/Cubit state-mangement utilities.
    • Cubit interface
    • Cubit implementations
    • States
  • /features/feature_name/domain - Data Models and base repository implementations.
  • /features/feature_name/domain/entities - Feature specific data models.
  • /features/feature_name/domain/repositories - Repository interfaces.
  • /features/feature_name/infrastructure - All functionality related to fetching, storing, caching, retrieving local or remote data and necessary json classes.
  • /features/feature_name/infrastructure/datasources
    • Interface
    • Local Data source
    • Remote Data source
  • /features/feature_name/infrastructure/dtos - Data Transfer Objects that hold Json data models and functions to convert to domain entities.
  • /features/feature_name/infrastructure/respositories - Unifying all datasources at repository layer to be accessed by any controller or state-management.
  • /features/feature_name/presentation - Everything UI related.
    • Screens
    • Widgets
  • /features/feature_name/presentation/screen - Top level screens for the feature.
  • /features/feature_name/presentation/widgeta - Any widgets that are used inside the screens.


  • /generated Stores all the generated file like .freezed.dart , .g.dart and others


This project generates localized messages based on arb files found in the lib/localization directory.

To support additional languages, please visit the tutorial on Internationalizing Flutter apps


  • /utils All the appwide used utilities files/funcitons.


  • /widgets All the appwide used widgets.
  • /widgets/widget_type All the appwide widget of a certain type like buttons, loader, bottom_sheet, etc.


The assets directory houses images, fonts, and any other files you want to include with your application.

The assets/images directory contains images

The assets/icons directory contains icons

The assets/fonts directory contains fonts used

Commands Run in CI

  • flutter analyze
  • dart format --output=none --set-exit-if-changed .

Useful Commands

  • flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs - Regenerates JSON Generators
  • flutter doctor -v - get paths of everything installed.
  • flutter pub get
  • flutter upgrade
  • flutter clean
  • flutter pub cache clean
  • flutter pub deps
  • flutter pub run dependency_validator - show unused dependencies and more
  • flutter analyze


dApp Store reference Implementation


Language:Dart 91.2%Language:C++ 3.6%Language:CMake 3.0%Language:Kotlin 0.8%Language:Ruby 0.4%Language:Swift 0.3%Language:HTML 0.3%Language:C 0.2%Language:Objective-C 0.0%