Tutorial url: https://youtu.be/PgHIVt_S6PE
SonarQube docker build. (See docker-compose.yml)
run docker-compose -up -d
In your browser, connect to
Username = admin
Password = admin
If you have Makefile installed, then use the command make
to see a list of supported commands. For the most part, supported make commands are:
help Print help.
ps Show containers.
build Build all containers
start Start all containers
fresh Destroy & recreate all containers
stop Stop all containers
restart Restart all containers
destroy Destroy all containers
ssh SSH inside sonarqube container
sonar-install install sonarqube scanner
sonar-scan run sonarqube
To install sonar scanner on linux, you can use the provided script ./scripts/install-sonar-scanner
. Make sure you have unzip
installed. (To install run sudo apt-get install unzip
To run the scanner, you can use this sample code
/var/opt/sonar-scanner- \
-Dsonar.projectKey=JustTMS \
-Dsonar.sources=. \
-Dsonar.host.url= \
Make sure you change the projectKey and the login key above to match the provided values inside the SonarQube UI (per your project configuration).