Ayush Kanduri (Ayush-Kanduri)


Geek Repo







Company:Wipro Ltd.



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Ayush Kanduri's repositories


The Placement Cell Application is a Full Stack Application built using MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS, EJS, Express Partials-Layouts, GulpJS, Vanilla JS & implements RestFul CRUD APIs along with CRUD Operations. This project is basically used for the purpose of assigning students to the interview slots of the incoming companies for the visit, at the backend for the employees to work. It manages both student & interview information along with the company visits. This website is only restricted for the use of employees. This website is completely Responsive across all the Devices.


This project is a Full Stack Todo List Application which is built using the MongoDB, NodeJS, ExpressJS, CSS, Javascript. It implements all the basic functionalities of a todo list, i.e, CRUD Operations (Create Read Update Delete). Users are able to Create new tasks. Users are able to Read the created tasks data. Users are able to Complete the task by checking off the task with a strike through. Users are able to Delete the task. Users are able to Update the tasks with many customized options. Users are able to View a Banner with current date-time. Users can Check the count of remaining tasks, Complete all tasks together, Delete all completed tasks together. Users can View All, Incomplete, Completed Tasks. Users can mark Due Date & Priority Levels for the Tasks.



This is a Mini Ipod App Project which is built using React, CSS, Javascript. It is responsive across all devices.



The Spotify Clone App is a Song Based Web App designed using Full Stack Web Development through the Technology of MEEN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, EJS, NodeJS), RedisDB, GulpJS, NodeMailer, and Passport Auths. This website is completely Responsive across all the Devices.



This project is Super Hero Hunter App in which we use superheroAPI() to fetch the records and details of all the superheroes along with some additional features. It is built using HTML, CSS, Vanilla Javascript. Users are Shown some ongoing Super Hero Videos playing in the background of the website. Users can Enter their Problems in the form to which the most suitable Super Hero is assigned to Assist. Users can Check out the famous Super Hero Quotes. Users can Mark their Favourite Super Heroes in the 'favourites' section. It is stored persistently in the browser's local storage. Users are able to Search for the Super Heroes by entering the name or searchable-term in the Search Input. It shows a list of results as autocomplete suggestions, which upon clicking directs us to that particular superhero card with all the information provided by the SuperHero() API.



The Social Book is a Social Media Website designed using Full Stack Web Development through Back-End Technology of MEN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS), RedisDB, GulpJS & Passport Auths. Users are able to create, share the posts and connect with each other across the platform. This website is completely Responsive across all the Devices.



⚡ Hey guys, this is my Portfolio!


Blogster Hub is a Blogging Web App which is built on ReactJS, TailwindCSS & Firebase. This app uses the React Router 6 Navigation & Routing & React Hooks, Custom Hooks. This app uses the Firestore DB along with the Firebase Hosting.



This is a Contacts List Project which is designed using Full Stack Web Development through Back-End Technology of MEN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS). It implements RESTFUL-APIs. This website is completely Responsive across all the Devices. Users are able to Add New Contacts. Users are able to Delete Existing Contacts. Users are able to Read Existing Contacts.



The CSV File Reader is a Full Stack Application built using MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS, EJS, Express Partials-Layouts, GulpJS. Users are able to upload, read, delete the files from the application. Front End & Back End Validation has been applied for uploading CSV Files less than 2MB. This website is completely Responsive across all the Devices. Users can Upload Files in CSV format. Uploaded Files are displayed in the sidebar & can be Selected. The CSV Parser Reads the file and displays it in a Tabular format. Users Receive Notifications for Deleting, Uploading the Files. Users can Delete the uploaded Files. Users can Search for the Keywords for a particular selected column in the Table. Users can Sort the selected column in the Table in ASC/DESC order upon clicking the headings. Users can navigate through the records using the Pagination which displays 100 records per page. Users can view Column Chart & Pie Chart for a selected column in the Table, just below the Table.



This is a Ping Pong Game App built using HTML, CSS, Javascript. Player is given 2 paddles and a ball, where he/she competes with oneself & the score is displayed accordingly. This App is most suitable & responsive for the Desktop Version.



This application comprises of a Timer, Stop Watch, Clicks Counter & Counter Animation. It is built using React.



This is a Mini Back-End Proxy Server for the Super Hero Hunter App.



This project is a Todo List Application which is built using the HTML, CSS, Vanilla Javascript. It implements all the basic functionalities of a todo list, i.e, CRUD Operations (Create Read Update Delete). It implements IIFE Module Design Pattern. Users are able to Create new tasks. Users are able to Read the created tasks data. Users are able to Complete the task by checking off the task with a strike through. Users are able to Delete the task. Users are able to Update the tasks with many customized options. Users are able to View a Banner with current date-time. Users can Toggle through the Dark-Light mode. Users can Check the count of remaining tasks, Complete all tasks together, Delete all completed tasks together.



This is an updated version of the Simple UI Calculator with some modifications and added new operations for scientific calculator.



This project uses the Dog CEO API to fetch all the images of the dog's breed or sub-breed. This API Web App uses the Async-Await & Promises for the fetch() API calls. It also implements a setTimeout() for the Asynchronicity of the website. It is built using HTML, CSS, Javascript.



This project uses the Dog CEO API to fetch all the images of the dog's breed or sub-breed using Pagination. This API Web App uses the Async-Await for the fetch() API calls. It also implements a setTimeout() for the Asynchronicity of the website. It is built using HTML, CSS, Javascript.



This project uses the Card Loading Skeleton Animation & fetches the data using fetch() API.



This is a Music Player App built using CSS & HTML only, just like Static Spotify Clone. The Website is completely Responsive across all the Devices.



This project uses the NASA API to fetch all the Mars Rover Images for a particular SOL. The fetched images are then shown in a Pagination Format where the user can navigate through the pages. This API Web App uses the Async-Await for the fetch() API calls. It also implements an XHR AJAX API Call Synchronously in the Proxy Server. Synchronous XHR AJAX Call is just used for the demonstration purpose as a study case. It is never recommended as it causes lag. Always use Asynchronous Calls only. It uses a Backend Proxy Server to hide the API Key in the browser & to solve CORS Error.



This project uses the NASA API to fetch all the Mars Rover Images on a particular date. This API Web App uses the Async-Await for the fetch() API calls. It also implements a Promisified XHR AJAX API Call Asynchronously in the Proxy Server. It uses a Backend Proxy Server to hide the API Key in the browser & to solve CORS Error.



This project uses the NASA API to fetch all the Mars Rover Images for a particular SOL & Page Number. This API Web App uses the Async-Await for the fetch() API calls. It also implements a XHR AJAX API Call Asynchronously in the Proxy Server. It uses a Backend Proxy Server to hide the API Key in the browser & to solve CORS Error.



This repository contains all the React Assignments from my online learning courses.



This project implements RESTful CRUD APIs for an E-Commerce Platform for managing product inventory, using NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB. This is a Back-End API Project. User can create a new product. User can get list of all the products. User can get a particular product. User can delete a particular product. User can update a particular product's quantity.



This project is a Simple Todo List App which is built using the HTML, CSS, Vanilla Javascript. It implements all the basic functionalities of a todo list, i.e, CRUD Operations (Create Read Update Delete).



This repository contains the Mini Server or the Backend Proxy Server which is used in the Full Stack or MERN App of The Social Book Application, apart from the main server. It serves the purpose of a Chat Server which is used for the interaction with the main server. It handles the Chat Socket-IO Events on the Server Side with the help of an HTTP Server. It is a Backend Side Proxy Server to handle CORS issues, ENV Variables leakage prevention & other issues.



This is a Stylish UI Calculator. It is a Simple Calculator with many operations to perform. It is built using HTML, CSS, Javascript (jQuery & DOM).



This repository contains DSA using Javascript along with some mixed level problems.



This project is a Social Media App built using MERN Stack. Users are able to create, share the posts and connect with each other across the platform. This website is completely Responsive across all the Devices.
