AymanNasser / Aroma

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Aroma DL-Framework

Aroma is a deep learning framework implemented in python


pip insall pyaroma


pip install -r requirements.txt 

NOTE: you need to pip install kaggle so you need to provide kaggle.json file in your environment, check this link


Aroma is designed based on 5 modules:

NN Module

nn module: Which contains the core modules of the framework such as layers, activations, losses, parameters, forward and backward modules

activations: It contains the implementations of Sigmoid, ReLU, Softmax, LeakyRelu and tanh

Each activation function in the module is a class which inherits from an abstract class called Activation which has two functions to implement, forward() and get_grad()

layers: It contains the implementations of Linear, Conv2D, MaxPool2D, AvgPool2D,Flatten, BatchNorm2D

Each layer in the module is a class which inherits from an abstract class called Layer which has two functions to implement the forward() and backward() behaviour of each layer.

losses: It contains the implementations of MSELoss and NLLLoss (-ve log likelihood)

Each loss is a class which inherits from an abstract class called Loss which has two functions to implement calc_loss() for calculation of loss function and get_grad() to calculate the gradient of the loss

model: It encapsulates the whole model with:

  • Forward propagation .forward()
  • Backward propagation .backward()
  • Cost computation .compute_cost()
  • Step for updating parameters .step()
  • Save & load model parameters .save(), .load()
  • Get no. of model’s parameters .get_count_model_params()
  • Prediction .predict()

forward: Forwarding the input tensor through the model layers with specific caching

backward: Propagate backwardly through the model layers to calc. Gradients

parameters: It caches the parameters of the module’s layers with set & get methods

Optimizer Module

optim module: Which contains the optimizers for updating the weights (NOTE: currently supporting just Adam and SGD)

optimizers: It contains the implementation of two optimization algorithms Adam and SGD

Each algorithm is a class which inherits from an abstract class called Optimizers which has functions step() and zero_grad() to implement

Evaluation Module

eval module: Which contains the evaluation metrics for the model

evaluations: It contains implementation of different evaluation metrics calculations

It has only one class called Evaluation which use two different average approaches macro and weighted

Implemented metrics:

  • Confusion matrix .compute_confusion_mat()
  • Accuracy .compute_accuracy()
  • F1 score: .compute_f1_score()
  • Recall: .compute_recall()
  • Precision: .compute_precision()

vis module: It contains the implementation of different visualizations

It has only one class called Visualization which has methods to visualize the update of loss function during training .plot_live_update(), visualize the confusion matrix .plot_confusion_matrix() and another to visualize a sample from a dataset .plot_sample()

utils module: Which contains the data loader that process data for training, validation and testing.

dataloader: It has only one class that implements different functions of data preprocessing and downloading

  • Download a kaggle dataset and loading it into a dataframe
  • Split dataset into train., valid. and testing dataframes
  • Reshaping data to (N x M) or (H x W x C x M)
  • Partitioning data into m-batches

transforms: It has only one class called transform that implements two methods .to_tensor() which converts a dataframe into numpy format and another to normalize the values .normalize()


from nn.model import Model
from nn.activations import *
from nn.layers import *
from nn.losses import *
from optim.optimizers import Adam, SGD
from utils.dataloader import DataLoader
from eval.evaluation import Evaluation
from viz.visualization import Visualization
from utils.transforms import Transform
from tqdm import tqdm


data_loader = DataLoader(batch_size=64, dataset_path="../")

# Training
X_train, y_train = data_loader.get_train_data()
trans = Transform()
X_train = trans.normalize(X_train)
batches = data_loader.get_batched_data(X_train, y_train)

# Validation
X_val, Y_val = data_loader.get_validation_data()
X_val = trans.normalize(X_val)

model = Model([Linear(INPUT_FEATURE,128, init_type='xavier'),
               Linear(128,64, init_type='xavier'),
               Linear(64,32, init_type='xavier'),
               Linear(32,16, init_type='xavier'),
               Linear(16,10, init_type='xavier'),
               Softmax()], loss=NLLLoss(), optimizer=Adam(lr=0.001))

epoch = 16

vis = Visualization()

for i in range(epoch):
    for X,Y in tqdm(batches):
        y_pred = model.forward(X)
        loss = model.compute_cost(Y, y_pred)
    vis.plot_live_update(xlabel="Epoch No.", x=i + 1, ylabel="Loss", y=loss)



# Evaluating model
Pred_ = model.predict(X_val)
Pred_ = np.argmax(Pred_, axis=0)
Y_val = Y_val.T.squeeze()

eval = Evaluation(Y_val, Pred_, average='weighted')
acc = eval.compute_accuracy()
prec = eval.compute_precision()
recall = eval.compute_recall()
f1_score = eval.compute_f1_score()
conf_mat = eval.compute_confusion_mat()
print("Accuracy: ",acc,"Precision: ",prec,"Recall: ",recall,"F1_Score: ",f1_score)   




Language:Python 100.0%