Ayesha Shaukat (AyeshaShaukat)


Geek Repo

Location:Lahore, Pakistan

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ayesha Shaukat's repositories


This project will help you get more familiar with arrays. You will be recreating the game of battleships. A player will place 5 of their ships on a 10 by 10 grid. The computer player will deploy five ships on the same grid. Once the game starts the player and computer take turns, trying to sink each other's ships by guessing the coordinates to "attack". The game ends when either the player or computer has no ships left. link:https://courses.edx.org/courses/course-v1:Microsoft+DEV277x+1T2018/courseware/76c11a375a0e495e83ab68121566fb12/8f250da826d7405d8fecf99aca3a5e9a/?child=first



The game is similar to rock paper scissors. It is played between two players, in your version it will be you versus the computer. Each player will choose either "odds" or "evens", since you’re playing the computer you will get first pick. Once you have chosen your side, you each choose a number of fingers to play- 0 to 5. The winner is determined by whether the sum of your fingers is odd or even (depending on what you chose). link: https://courses.edx.org/courses/course-v1:Microsoft+DEV276x+1T2018/courseware/05e0e3f42c3644aaa52c2736f6452a9c/28269a95d2ba403eb057e3df9dbe54b1/1?activate_block_id=block-v1%3AMicrosoft%2BDEV276x%2B1T2018%2Btype%40vertical%2Bblock%40a851d35767a040ddbeeeba519a0299d6



"MazeRunner", a program that navigates through a given maze. The code for the Maze is written and provided in "Maze.java". The code that uses Maze and decides how to move through it is in "MazeRunner.java". For more details: https://courses.edx.org/courses/course-v1:Microsoft+DEV276x+1T2018/courseware/72c3ae7f7e2f4f54ae5d6d3cfad37409/e14fa96703cb433e99a023799356bb14/?child=first



Project - Crypto This project is related to methods of encryption and decryption of text. Details: https://courses.edx.org/courses/course-v1:Microsoft+DEV276x+1T2018/courseware/3f6884874dd640be8b30d5613ee91990/31d1628887c9478e8af434461349d227/?child=first
