Axemasta / ShoppingCart

Playground app for xunit serializable tests best practise

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Shopping Cart

This is a little proof of concept app showcasing IXunitSerializable usage in unit tests.

This repo is mainly for my own purposes playing around with patterns that I feel will be simple and easy to replicate in other projects.

Test Case Pattern

Using the approach seen in botbuilder-dotnet, the TestDataObject pattern seemed to solve most of my issues!

The only real difference is the TestDataObject doesn't get passed a generic type, it has a method which expects the generic, everything else is functionally very similar.

This repo is built on the pattern seen in this repo:

  • Use TestDataObject class

  • Test cases are simple poco's:

    public class BasketCalculationTestCase
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public ShoppingBasket Basket { get; set; }
        public List<Discount> Discounts { get; set; }
        public double ExpectedTotal { get; set; }
  • Use a class for member data (previously I put this data within a test class)

  • Generator classes have a builder method to create test cases & wrap in TestDataObject:

    private static object[] BuildTestCaseObject(string testCaseName, ShoppingBasket basket, List<Discount> discounts, double expectedTotal)
        var testData = new BasketCalculationTestCase()
            Name = testCaseName,
            Basket = basket,
            Discounts = discounts,
            ExpectedTotal = expectedTotal,
        return new object[] { new TestDataObject(testData) };
  • All test cases are written using this wrapper method:

    public static IEnumerable<object[]> Baskets()
        yield return BuildTestCaseObject(
            "Single Item",
            new ShoppingBasket()
                Contents = new List<Product>()
                    new Product()
                        Name = "Champagne",
                        Price = 20d,
                        Quantity = 1,
            new List<Discount>()
  • Tests reference generator class

    [MemberData(nameof(BasketCalculationDataGenerator.Baskets), MemberType = typeof(BasketCalculationDataGenerator))]
    public void CalculateBasketTotal_WhenProvidedTestCase_ShouldMatchExpected(TestDataObject testData)
  • Tests pass in TestDataObject and retrieve test case via GetObject<T>() method

    [MemberData(nameof(BasketCalculationDataGenerator.Baskets), MemberType = typeof(BasketCalculationDataGenerator))]
    public void CalculateBasketTotal_WhenProvidedTestCase_ShouldMatchExpected(TestDataObject testData)
        var testCase = testData.GetObject<BasketCalculationTestCase>();
        // Do something...

Previous Approaches

I had toiled with this implementation since Xunit doesn't support test case serialization. I had followed guides such as this, but i wasn't happy with the usage in my codebase. I eventually settles on a json approach but it required a ton of boilerplate:

Base Class:

public abstract class MemberDataSerializer<T> : IXunitSerializable
    public MemberDataSerializer()

    private const string objValue = "objValue";

    public T Object { get; set; }

    public void Deserialize(IXunitSerializationInfo info)
        var objJson = info.GetValue<string>(objValue);

        Object = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(objJson);

    public void Serialize(IXunitSerializationInfo info)
        var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this);
        info.AddValue(objValue, json);

    private string GetDebuggerDisplay()
        return ToString();

Test Case:

public class BasketCalculationTestCase : MemberDataSerializer<BasketCalculationTestCase>
    private string name;

    public string Name
            if (Object != null)
                return Object.Name;
            return name;
        set => name = value;

    private ShoppingBasket basket;

    public ShoppingBasket Basket
            if (Object != null)
                return Object.Basket;
            return basket;
        set => basket = value;

    private List<Discount> discounts;

    public List<Discount> Discounts
            if (Object != null)
                return Object.Discounts;
            return discounts;
        set => discounts = value;

    private double expectedTotal;

    public double ExpectedTotal
            if (Object != null)
                return Object.ExpectedTotal;
            return expectedTotal;
        set => expectedTotal = value;

As you can see the test case contains insane amounts of boilerplate and they become very tedious to write and maintain. I could have written a template or source generator to manage them but I knew there would be a better way!

The main advantage here is that the tests are ridiculously easy to use:

[MemberData(nameof(BasketCalculationDataGenerator.Baskets), MemberType = typeof(BasketCalculationDataGenerator))]
public void CalculateBasketTotal_WhenProvidedTestCase_ShouldMatchExpected(BasketCalculationTestCase testCase)
    // Arrange

    // Act
    var total = _sut.CalculateBasketTotal(testCase.Basket);

    // Assert
    Assert.Equal(testCase.ExpectedTotal, total);

Without investing too much time I wanted the flexibility of serialized tests for complex cases without the boilerplate of my implementation, not to mention a better syntax than: public class BasketCalculationTestCase : MemberDataSerializer<BasketCalculationTestCase> for test cases.


Playground app for xunit serializable tests best practise

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%