DIY ML API Service for EC530
DIY ML is an API to train, test, and deploy ML models.
Future implementation will include actual ML training using
Below is a list of User Stories for reference, from the class slides
- API user should be able to create a ML image classification or Object detection project for Training and Inference
- API user should be able to upload data (images) for training in a project
- API user should be able to upload label or class data for images in a project
- API user should be able to analyze data before training
- API user should be able to add or remove training points
- API user should be able to configure training parameters
- API user should be able when the training is completed to get training stats
- API user should be able to test a model using new dataset and get results
- API user should be able to deploy a model to be used for inference and should be able to get a unique API to use for a project-iteration combination
- API user should be able to run and track iterations of training
- API user should be able to use inference API to run and get results on an image
- ALL APIs should be independent of the ML model and data
- A project is associated with a user
Endpoint Methods Rule
datasets_create POST /diyml/datasets/create
datasets_objects_create POST /diyml/datasets/objects/create
datasets_objects_delete POST /diyml/datasets/objects/delete
index GET /
inference_delete POST /diyml/inference/delete
inference_deploy POST /diyml/inference/deploy
inference_infer POST /diyml/inference//infer
preprocess POST /diyml/preprocess
projects_create POST /diyml/projects/create
projects_delete POST /diyml/projects/delete
test_create POST /diyml/test/start
test_results GET /diyml/test/results
test_status POST /diyml/test/status
test_stop POST /diyml/test/stop
training_results GET /diyml/training/results
training_start POST /diyml/training/start
training_status GET /diyml/training/status
training_stop POST /diyml/training/stop
users_create POST /diyml/users/create
- Clone repo
git clone
cd diy-ml
- Setup Python Virtual Environment
python3 -m venv ml
- Activate Virtual Environment
source ml/bin/activate
- Install Requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run Server
flask run
- Build the docker image
docker build -t diyml .
- Run the docker container
docker rum diyml
- Export image
docker save -o diyml.tar diyml
- Import image on another computer
docker load -i diyml.tar