Awanit512 / GitWithAr512

This repository deals with Git tutorials for beginners series

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


to configure yours usernae and email

git config --global "Awanit512"
git config --global ""

To see respected name or mail

git config
git config

To list all the configurations

git config --list

To set a particular editor // to set vim or emacs

git config --global code.editor vim  

To see the config.editor

git config code.editor

To startr tracking initials yr directory/folder by git by below command (this will create a hidden folder names as .git We can see it by command --> ls -a )

git init   

To check the status a handy command is

git status

make some files and edit it by puting some useful contents of yr choice

touch first.txt

echo "Hell this is my first file of this begiiner Git Tutorials" >> first.txt

To add files to stagging area : (PS:: note : git add is a multipurpose command which use for

1> adding a modified file to a staging area as well as it also helps 2> To add untracked files (ex: a newly created file ) to a staging area .) command :

git add filename

To staged all the files at once

git add --a


git add .


	git add file1 file2 file3 file4 ..

Finally to Commit (-m is for message)

git commit -m "Initial Commit"

To track or see log

git log

to remove git repo local

rm -rf .git

To clone a remote repo say --> (this is a fake url)

git clone 	

Git ignore : Helps to ignore some files or not to track those files

touch .gitignore

and now put names of the files which u didn't want to track in .gitignore so whwnver u add a name of file in .gitignore and suppose made a change in files which is listed in .gitignore then any changes done to those files will be ignored, but yaeh only .gitignore will be modifed as git do tracks .gitignore directory so we have to staged that and commit it.

examples of names/files in .gitignore (all files names with extension .logs will be ignored it can be in any subdirs too still it will be ignored, error.log will be ignored, all files inside dir directory( this dir directory can be presnt in any subdirectory of root foler of our project but still it will be ignored by git ) will be ignored.) Note: : the /dir/ directory states that to ignore the directory named as dir in root folder of our project.

PS:: git by default ignores the blank directory.

*.logs error.log /dir/ dir/

Git diff : Calculates the diff between unmodified files in staging area and modified files in working directory.(ex:: i staged the file say after that i modified the same file then will be in both -> Staging area ( Changes to be Committed ) as well as in -> Changes not staged for Commit.

git diff

To comapre previous commit with staging area of now :

git diff --staged

To compare diff between branches : // To preview changes before merging

git diff < source branch > <target branch>

Skipping the staging area (so yeah we can commit the tracked modfied file directly with adding into staging area explicitly by single command)

git commit -a -m "skiiping satging area and commiting directly"

PS:: suppose u have created a new file by say touch new_file.txt then as it will be untracked so using above command i.e git commit -a -m "any suitable commit message here" will not commit the untracked file this command will commit only tracked modiied file. for untracked u have to use command git add new_file.txt in order to make it tracked after that u can use above command to directly commit it skipping the habit of adding files to staging area explicitly.

PS :: :: Note the -a flag helps to add files to staging area implicitly after that it finally commit it.

Moving and Renaming files in git

note :: we can remove the files by simply deleting it or renamed it (f1.txt --> g1.txt ) say by use of GUI but in this case later the git status shows a new file (g1.txt ) which is -->untracked which i use to renamed the older file (f1.txt ) and also show the status of older file (f1.txt) which i renamed as deleted. But yeah once we add it to staging area by git add . then it shows the right message i.e renamed : f1.txt to g1.txt

so instead of deleting in this way bettwe to delete via git as changes such as renaming and deleting are automatically staged so just need to commit.

To delete:

git rm f1.txt
where f1.txt is the name of file to be deleted.

To Rename:

git mv f1.txt g1.txt
where f1.txt is the renamed to g1.txt.

Now we just need to do git commit -m "" in order to commit the new chaneges.

#####################################3########### IMP #############################################

Suppose we made any tracked file say first.txt into .gitignore and commit it by git commit -a -m "make firt.txt to ignore by git"

then after modiftying first.txt it still get reflected in git status logically :: it should not be there as we already listed it into .gitignore so it shoud stop tracking it but No , it will still track it because since we have keep the name of file in .gitignore which earlier was getting tracked by the git so we have to tell explicitly to git not to track by the command

git rm --cached first.txt  

Note this command will not delete the file but rather stop tracking it, so now it can be sucefully ignored by the git . But Note upon typing git status it will list :

Changes to be commited: <--------- (this line because we used git in front of git rm --cached first.txt so no need to add changed to staging area already staged and is ready for commit) deleted : first.txt <------- IT to be noted here we have just make git not to tracked but it list deleted

We just need to commit our change again do git status we will find tree is clean.

So,the aboe command just untracked the file .

SO a Q: Wgy git status does not show that file first.txt as untracked
Ans : Because , we had put the name of the file in .gitignore So, obviously if we don't put that in .gitignore then obviously it will listed as untracked .

So this is a way to untracked a file 
Q: WHAT IF WE want to track it again ?
Ans: if file is not listed in .gitignore then simply git add that_filename or else
first remove its name from .gitignore 

To untrackded a file say : jj.txt

git rm --cached jj.txt

To make it track again (jj.txt)

git add jj.txt
git commit -m "making jj.txt is gtting tracked now."

Git LOgs: Viewing and changig Commits in Git .

git log  // to view the commit 
git log -p //  shows the diff value (whatever things removed or added in the commit )
git log -p -2 //  shows the diff value (whatever things removed or added in the commit ) for only first two commits.

git log --stats // gives information of just showing no of changes addition or subtraction/deletions in each files. i.e short summary of nuber of changes followed by number of additions and number of deletions.

git log --pretty=oneline   //show all commits in one line

git log --pretty=short    //show all commits in short detailing commit hash id, Author and commit message 

git log --pretty=oneline   //show all commits in full detailing commit hash id, Author, Committer and commit message 	

## time filter logging

		git log --since=n.seconds   // n or 2 can be subituted replaces respectively by  some other number

		git log --since=n.minutes
		git log --since=2.hours
		git log --since=2.3.days

		git log --since=2.years
		git log --since=2.months
		git log --since=2.weeks
		git log --since=2.days

# Different format in pretty   check in git log on internet 

	git log --pretty=format:"%h -- %an" // hash commit -- author name ---> "%h -- %an"
	git log --pretty=format:"%h -- %ae" // hash commit -- author email-->  "%h -- %ae"

If want to commit your changes into previous commit

git add . 
git commit --amend   // amend means minor chanegs in just previous commit.

To make a staged file to unstaged

git restore --staged <filename>

To Unmodify a File: Suppose you modified a file named now u want to restore the previous vesrion:

git restore


git checkout --

Note PS:: the 'git restore' compares working dir changes to its nearest one i.e staging area or .git repo if ur file is not in staging area as it not yet staged then on restoring it will checkout to previous commit changes else if its staged then only non staged changes of that file will be removed leaving behind staged chanegea

for removing staged changes too two ways:

1> firt make the file unstaged by 'git restore --staged <filename>' after that 'git restore <filename>'
2> [ NOT RECCOMENDED ]   git checkout -f // straightforward leads to previos commit dangerous if u dont want to reached to preivios commit state for other files . 

supoose mny changes have been done and now don't want to commit these changes but rather want to go back to previous / or wnat to restore the previosu commit

git checkout -f

Git :: Working with remote repositories.

git remote add origin  
// meaning this command add remote URL   (this is for github we can siliarily go for gitlab) by name as a origin.  here instad of origin we can keep other name such as git remote add MAINORIGIN  but its feneral parctise to say that as origin

Note :: It is recommended to use ssh url for pushing as -->Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021 so git will tell you to  use a personal access token instead. For setting this :



Follows Following steps :
		>>> ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""  
		 //This will generate private/public key pair 

		>>> eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
		>>> ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
		>>> tail ~/.ssh/
				Now in the output copy the key and Go To github repo in which you want to push 
				Go to settingd-->
				 				Deploy Krys-->	
				 								Add Deploy Key-->	
				 													Give the Titile and paste the key in Key TextArea which u copied from the terminal.  
		After thta changes can be easily pushed to yrs repo.


git remote

git remote -v
	o/p-> origin (fetch)
	      origin (push)

git branch -M main   // by default its main if this step is skipped thne git implicitly do this 
						--> Branch 'main' set up to track remote branch 'main' from 'origin'.

git push -u origin main

	Enter urs username and Password if promplted  : to push yr changes to github repo. ( remember the password is that ssh deploy key. if forgot then set up the new one by following same step as detailed above in ^^^^^)
	If not working see this video :
	May be github is saying that Key is in use in that case generate new Personal access token as u may be probbly doing things via HTTP and not ssh.

Suppoose u want to remove the exsting origin URL then

git remote remove origin

Now u can add any other origin URL by 'git remote add origin '


Above both steps for acheving goal( i.e changing origin url to something else )can be done by following command:

git remote set-url origin <required_new_url>

Sharing & Updating Projects

Command Description
git push origin [branch name] Push a branch to your remote repository
git push -u origin [branch name] Push changes to remote repository (and remember the branch)
git push Push changes to remote repository (remembered branch)
git push origin --delete [branch name] Delete a remote branch
git pull Update local repository to the newest commit
git pull origin [branch name] Pull changes from remote repository

Git ALiases it helps to write just a short command for the long commands by aliasing those commnads.

examples we suppose want git st t perform same as git status we can do this by :

git config --global status

Now 'git st' is same as 'git status'

now lets commit by git cmit by

git config --global alias.cmit commit

Now both git commit -m " " is same as git cmit -m " "

Now lets make a alias for unstaging the file say f1.txt

git config --global alias.unstaged 'restore --staged'

Now git restore --staged f1.txt is same as git unstaged f1.txt

Now lets make another alias for checking last commit and last two commits :

git config --global alias.last 'log -p -1'

NOW, git log -p -1 is same as git last


git config --global alias.last-two 'log -p -2'

NOW, git log -p -2 is same as git last-two

Lasly To remove the aliases : (suppose we wan't to remove alias.last-two then do following: )

git config --global --unset alias.last-two

If it's local then don't give the --global flag i.e 'git config --unset alias.last-two'

This way doing seems safer than ediiting config file by : --> 'git config --global --edit'


Git Branching and Switching

in order to make a branch type following :

git checkout -b develop   // where develop is the branch name   here this command create a new branch by -b flag and chekcout to new branch.

Difference between git checkout and git branch 

git  branch <new-brach-name> :-  creates a new branch but stays at existing branch.
git checkout -b <new-branch-name> :- creates a new brahc and check in to new barnch. 

git chckout -b <branch-name> == git branch <new-branch>
								git switch <new-branch>


								git branch <new-branch>
								git checkout <new-branch>

# To list all the BRANCHES:

	git branch 

# To list all branhces (local and remote ):

	git branch -a 

# To move to some branch say dev

	git checkout dev


	git switch dev

Cloning the remote Branch // This command clones the remote branch and check in to it .

git checkout -b <branch-name> origin/<branchname>

To RENAME a branch . // Rename a local branch

git branch -m <old-branch-name> <new-branch-name>

Merge Conflict/ Merging

assume we are in main branch

git merge tryFeature

To Merge source branch into target branch :

git merge <source branch> <target branch>

Merge Conflict

whenever mege conflict arises it starts with a 'conflict resolutio marker'

<<<<<<< HEAD   and end with >>>>>>> tryFeature   assuming conflict is between brancehs HEAD (main) & tryFeature
and code part which creates conflict between both branches is seperated by =======  .

		<<<<<<< HEAD
		    <h1>Hi THis is Awanit512 </h1>
		    <h1>hello WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</h1>
		>>>>>>> tryFeature 

For resolving it either kep both or Imcoming Changes( changes of tryFeature branch) or keep changes Current branch (i.e of main branch)

--------------------------------- Branch Management ---------------------------------------------------------

To list all branches(* shows currently we are in which branch )

git branch

To show all branches with last commit's commit hash id and commit message

git branch -v

o/p:	  develop    cc2b884 Monster Video removed
		* main       fc1ab0f merged
		  master     1170d3e [ahead 1, behind 9] nothing much
		  tryFeature c755a89 hello world

To show all the branches which are merged :

git branch --merged

To show all the branches which are not yet merged :

git branch --no-merged

To delet a merged branch (else if it is not merge then it will throw a error with warning)

git branch -d tryFeature    
	//(as tryFeature is already merged in main.) like this :
		error: The branch 'develop' is not fully merged.
		If you are sure you want to delete it, run 'git branch -D develop'.

If you are sure you want to delete it even if the brach (say develop) is not merged yet then, run:

 git branch -D develop


 git branch -D <branch-name>

Branching WorkFLOWS:

We generally make two types of branches:

1>Long Running Branches : long lived span of life of these branches is long exmaple master, develop, system, propose change

2>Topic Branches : plugin change, etc.

Now Pushing branch to remote repo

git push origin <branch-name>   // It is good practised to be locally on same branch to which u want to push

if we want at remote to have this branch as some other name then we can do so by this way :

git push origin <branch-name>:<branch-remote-new-name>

	ex :(assmuing we are in branch mybugfix and want to push it but named it there on remote as just bugfix)
		git push origin mybugfix:bugfix

If we want to delete the branch locally :

git branch -d <branch-name>  // assuming it alreayd merged else thorw an error. if still want to delete it then 
	git branch -D <branch-name>

if we want to delete the branch in remote say on github :

git push -d origin <remote-branch-name_to_delete>


git push origin --delete <remote-branch-name>

**How To fork a repo(it may be of ssomeone else or it may be yrs repo) into another (existing ) repo of mine **


The forked repo is the repo in which u want to forked it (Your repo )
git clone<username>/<forked-repo>.git     

cd <forked-repo>

# This is from where or the repo whose copy u want to make or the repo u want to fork (someone other repo u have to make it upstream)
git remote add upstream<username>/<original-repo>.git

git pull upstream master
#if giving error of merging unrelated historiy
git pull upstream master --allow-unrelated-histories

git push origin main


This repository deals with Git tutorials for beginners series


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