AvinashNath2 / Keyword_Tool.io-Scrapper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


It's a very basic type of scrapper build by using selenium to searched result and download the result of a searched keyword in excel format.

Getting Started

In order to perform the code output please follow the steps given in the description.


Python 3.0+ [Download]

Selenium package [Download]

Crome Web Driver [Download]

Steps to Run the Code

  1. Download the code script by clicking clone or download button.
  2. Download all the prerequisites shown in above section.
  3. Extract the chrome web driver you have downloaded.
  4. Copy the extracted location of web driver and save it on the 17'th line of code.
  5. Input the username and password at 20 and 21 line of code to make login.
  6. Run the code.



Language:Python 100.0%