AustinVaday / CS130

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CS130 Project - Lunch Meet

To provide an Android app for individuals to easily find lunch buddies in real-time

  • Backend: Firebase
  • Team members: Teodik Meserkhani, Isaac Yeo En Jie, Stephanie Lam, Austin Vaday, Mikhail Nikiforov, Brian Kwak

Directory Structure

  • We have implemented our project as an Android mobile application.

  • Library dependencies can be found in LunchMeet/app/build.gradle.

  • Source code can be found in LunchMeet/app/src/main.

    • LunchMeet/app/src/main/java contains the Java files for our project.
      • Contains the home screen that the user will see upon opening the app. Allows the user to authenticate with Facebook.
      • Main screen of our app. Shows a map of the user's current location and their adjacent surroundings using Google Maps and location services.
      • Contains the UI of the chat page. Users use this page to communicate with the members of their group. A user who isn't in a group can't access this activity.
      • Screen preceding the maps screen used to load user data from Firebase before displaying the map.
      • Contains methods to create, modify, and delete a lunch group.
      • Contains methods to get and modify user information, such as their name, Facebook profile picture, and what group they are in. Also contains class definitions of the different states a user can be in (free agent, creator, and member) based on whether they are in a group or not.
      •,,,,, Classes containing backend APIs to access the data in the Firebase database.
      • Used to download bitmaps that are used to display the user's Facebook profile picture in the messaging screen.
      • Contains the UI for one chat message for use in MessageActivity.
      • Contains code to store a tuple of variables (x1, x2).
    • LunchMeet/app/src/main/res contains the XML files used for the app UI.
      • activity_main.xml: Contains UI for
      • activity_maps.xml: Contains UI for
      • activity_dashboard.xml: Contains UI for
      • activity_message.xml: Contains UI for
      • app_bar.xml: Contains UI for custom toolbar used in MapsActivity to display the chat icon in the upper right corner.
      • message_row.xml: Contains UI for one row of chat, used in MessageActivity.
      • popup.xml: Contains UI for popup window obtained by clicking on a user's marker.
      • popup2.xml: Contains UI for popup window obtained when a user invites/requests to join a group.
  • Test code can be found in LunchMeet/app/src/main/test

    • In the subdirectory /java/com.example.lunchmeet.lunchmeet, contains several unit tests used to test the functionality of our User class.
      • userTest() tests whether a user was successfully created by checking that the User object's data is equal to the parameters passed into it.
      • DBUserTest() tests whether we can create a DBUser object and get the right information returned from it using the getter APIs. The DBUser class corresponds to a user in the Firebase database.
    • In the subdirectory /java/com.example.lunchmeet.lunchmeet, contains several unit tests used to test the functionality of our Group class.
      • groupTest() tests whether a group was successfully created by checking that its size upon creation is 1.
      • addUserToGroupTest() tests whether a user was added to a group successfully. After creating the group, we add a member and check that the new group size is equal to 2.
      • removeUserToGroupTest() tests whether a user was removed from a group successfully. After removing a member, we check that the new group size is equal to 1.
      • leaderTest() tests whether the User who created the group is set as the group's leader.
      • coordinatesTest() tests whether the group's coordinates are set to be the leader's latitude and longitude.
      • DBGroupTest() tests whether we can create a DBGroup object and get the right information returned from it using the getter APIs. The DBGroup class corresponds to a group in the Firebase database.
    • Subdirectory /Firebase_testlab contains the test results of running automated tests from Firebase Test Lab for Android:
      • Each subfolder contains the test results for each tested device, where instrumentation_results.txt indicates if our app passed all tests on that particular device
  • Detailed class/API definitions can be viewed through our JavaDoc documentation, located at LunchMeet/index.html

Running the Code

  • Import the project into Android Studio.
  • Either download an Android emulator from Android Studio or plug in an Android phone in development mode and download the app to the phone.
  • Run the app either in the emulator or the phone.
  • To run unit tests, navigate to the file in Android Studio, right click, and then press "Run" on that file.



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