Auroxsus / Potato_Programming_Language

A small esoteric language with limited capabilities, possibilities, & architecture. Includes metalanguage BNF design to specify language syntax

Repository from Github https://github.comAuroxsus/Potato_Programming_LanguageRepository from Github https://github.comAuroxsus/Potato_Programming_Language



[UPDATE: August 20th, 2024]

After a year away from this project, I am returning with renewed enthusiasm and fresh inspiration. I will be reviewing and updating the archived files to align with new syntax and design choices. The original archived files will be preserved, and a new folder will be created for the updated versions. Please note that no additional functionality will be added until I have caught up with the current progress.

Potato Chip, also known as PotatoC or Potato Programming Language, is inspired by the code structure of C and the syntax of Python. While the core syntax remains familiar, Potato Chip introduces the thematic twist of potato puns.

Development Phases:

  • Reader to Scanner: Minor adjustments are made to adapt the syntax of PotatoC from the C language.
  • Scanner to Parser: Similar incremental changes are implemented to refine the parsing process.
  • Parser to Compiler: Initially, the changes from parser to compiler are minimal, but the goal is to evolve the compiler into a sophisticated tool capable of translating the complete PotatoC language. This evolution will be a gradual process, with complexity increasing over time.

Version Management:

  • As new features and improvements are added, they will be incorporated into the compiler code.
  • Previous versions of the compiler, including PotatoXScanner.cpp, PotatoXParser.cpp, and PotatoXCompiler.cpp, will remain in the repository under the "Previous_Versions" folder for reference and historical purposes.


  • For a detailed understanding of the compiler’s logic and the latest updates, please refer to the attached wiki. The wiki provides explanations of recent additions and functions introduced in the source code.

File Descriptions

  • Potato.h: This header file contains the core definitions and declarations for our project. It includes the Reader and Lister classes and evolves alongside the compiler.
  • PotatoCompiler.cpp: This source file serves as the primary implementation for the project. It is updated with each addition of new features and functions to Potato Chip.
  • PotatoCompiler.exe: This executable represents the current version of the Potato Chip Compiler. It is created by compiling PotatoCompiler.cpp together with Potato.h.

Language Capabilities

1. Basic Data Types and Constants

  • Specify unnamed literal constants with data types integer, boolean, and string.

2. Identifiers and Variable Declarations

  • Name program variables and modules with identifiers.
  • Define scalar variables for data types integer and boolean.
  • Define 1-dimensional array variables for data types integer and boolean.

3. Expressions and Computation

  • Express computation using expression syntax with a collection of unary and binary operators for integer and boolean operands.
  • Specify an assignment statement.

4. Control Flow

  • Specify structured flow-of-control statements, including:
    • If-statement
    • Bounded-loop-statement
    • Unbounded pretest and/or posttest-loop-statement.

5. Program Structure

  • Define the main program module.
  • Specify assertions.
  • Include comments.

6. Procedures and Functions

  • Define directly-recursive procedure subprogram modules with IN, OUT, IO parameters.
  • Specify a call-procedure-module statement with parameter passing.
  • Specify a return-from-procedure-module statement.
  • Define directly-recursive, pure function subprogram modules with IN parameters.
  • Specify reference-to-function-module syntax as part of an expression with parameter passing.
  • Specify a return-from-function-module statement.

7. Input and Output

  • Specify an input-statement for console text input.
  • Specify an output-statement for console formatted-text output.


A small esoteric language with limited capabilities, possibilities, & architecture. Includes metalanguage BNF design to specify language syntax

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 61.7%Language:C 32.5%Language:OpenEdge ABL 5.8%