Aurian-Nogues / switchcraft_pi

Code for Raspberry Pi Switchcraft

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


These instructions are to be used to build SwitchCraft on a Raspberry Pi. More information at Additional tutorials to build a button for SwitchCraft using a Nano board can be found at

Install a fresh Raspberry Pi OS to a micro SD card

  • Go to to downlaod Raspberry Pi Imager
  • Choose Raspberry Pi OS and install it on the SD card
  • When finished, install the card in your Pi and boot it
  • Plug an HDMI monitor, keyboard and mouse to the Pi to start setup

Setup your Raspberry Pi

  • Follow all instructions to make initial Pi setup (update, wifi setting, etc)

Install all required Linux packages

  • Open a terminal (CTRL + ALT + T)
  • Type the following commands:
sudo apt install network-manager
sudo apt install libgirepository1.0-dev
sudo apt install libcairo2-dev
sudo apt-get install unclutter

We use Selenium to display the NFTs through Chromium. However, Chromium drivers recommended by Selenium do not work with the Pi ARM chips. Use this command to install the right ARM drivers for Chromium

sudo apt install chromium-chromedriver

Setup network parameters

We need to change network settings so Linux network can be controlled by our Python scripts (and indirectly bluetooth). This will prevent you from "manually" changing network settings.

prevent normal network manager

Here we configure dhcpcd to ignore wlan0 To avoid issues with duplicate instances of wpa_supplicant preventing NetworkManager to work properly, we need to modify the default settings. If we kept the setting as is, the wpa_supplicant will be called twice. The first instance will be called by the wpa_supplicant.service, the second one will be executed by dhcpcd deamon.

Type this command to open the text editor:

sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf

Add the following line at the end of the file:

denyinterfaces wlan0

press CTRL + X -> Y to save and close

confiugure network manager to control wlan0

Type this command to open the text editor:

sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf

Replace the file content with these lines:


press CTRL + X -> Y to save and close

Restart the Pi for modifications to take effect

sudo reboot

Type this if you want to see all available supplicants (this step is not needed to setup SwitchCraft)

ps axu | grep supplicant

Setup SwitchCraft packages

Copy repo

Open a new terminal and copy the code repository:

git clone

setup Python environment

Navigate to the repo

cd switchcraft_pi

Create a Python virtual environment. This will enable us to install all the packages we need isolated from the rest of our OS so we have a clean environment

python3 -m venv venv

Activate the environment

source venv/bin/activate

Install all necessary packages

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

get scripts to automatically start when the Pi starts

start scripts before desktop starts

main Python script (Bluetooth receiver, Wifi controller, interactions with SwitchCraft app)

take mainPrgrm.service file from switchcraft_pi and copy to /etc/systemd/system using this command:

sudo cp ~/switchcraft_pi/mainPrgm.service  /etc/systemd/system

Navigate to the folder and check that is there (along with a lot of other files that were already there from OS install)

cd /etc/systemd/system

We now need to enable this file to be executed by scripts. Linux by defaults contrains execution permissions, type the following command while in /etc/systemd/system to see current permissions

ls -l mainPrgm.service

You should see something like this

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 193 Nov  6 11:02 mainPrgm.service

Type the following command to change permissions

sudo chmod 777 mainPrgm.service 

If you type

ls -l mainPrgm.service

You should now see something like this which means this script can now be read, written and executed by all users of the pi

-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 193 Nov  6 11:02 mainPrgm.service

Type the following commands to enable the program to run on startup

sudo systemctl enable mainPrgm
sudo systemctl start mainPrgm

You should not get any feedback in the console

Script to control web browser

Switchcraft uses a web browser to load pages to display NFTs. This web browser is controlled by Selenium which itself is controlled by our main python script, taking orders from the app, passing them to selenium which itself will display the right page in the web browser. This part enables Selenium to run on startup. As we will be editing the autostart file, we will also write the command to play a video while the Pi is booting

Edit this file by typing:

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

At the end of the file but before the exit 0 line, add the following lines:

dmesg --console-off
sudo -u pi bash -c /home/pi/switchcraft_pi/ &

press CTRL + X -> Y to save and close

We used to add omxplayer home/pi/switchcraft_pi/boot_assets/boot_video.mp4 after the to boot on video. However, OMXplayer is no longer supported by new Pi OS and VLC doesn't work on boot out of the box so need work to fix it. replacement along the lines of

vlc -f ~/switchcraft_pi/boot_assets/boot_video.mp4 &

Cleanup the Pi startup sequence so it boots nicely into SwitchCraft


install prerequisites

sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends xserver-xorg x11-xserver-utils xinit openbox

Disable starting logs and replace them with a boot video


Rainbow screen

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

add the last line at very end


press CTRL + X -> Y to save and close

change output of pi console

sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt

In this file you will finde a string of parameters all in line 1. Its important that you add the following exactly at the end of the existing line 1, starting with a space between the exisitng and new. So lets add:

consoleblank=1 logo.nologo quiet loglevel=0 plymouth.enable=0 vt.global_cursor_default=0 plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles splash fastboot noatime nodiratime noram

press CTRL + X -> Y to save and close


sudo reboot

You should get a clean boot

Debugging / tinkering

The Pi will now auto boot into a full screen kiosk mode with the NFTs you want to display If you ever need to access the Pi, you can plug a Keyboard and hit ALT + F4 to exit the web browser However, the Python scripts will continue running in the background. To shut them down find them using:

ps -ef | grep python

Then kill them using

sudo kill 9 <script number>

If everything works well, you will not see your mouse if plugging one to the Pi. This is because of unclutter which is a program hiding the mouse called with the startup script. If you want to disable it do the following:

sudo nano switchcraft_pi/ 

Change the line

unclutter -idle 0 &


# unclutter -idle 0 &

Exit (CTRL + X -> y) Remove the # when you want to hide the mouse again


Code for Raspberry Pi Switchcraft


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