AubreyHewes / Goat

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Goat is a simple to use taskrunner for frontend development.

Why Goat

Instead of defining and maintaining separate setups for compiling, linting and building your code, goat aims to have a predefined, flexible setup that's easy to initialize and to keep up to date.

Build-in modules

Goat contains modules which define tasks. Per project you can choose which tasks you want to configure. Each module defines tasks which can be run manually or, if supported, use the integrated watch flag to watch relevant files and run the tasks when a change is detected.

Also goat includes an integrated watch command which combines all watch enabled tasks in one command.

Currently Goat includes several tasks:


A complete workflow to compile your SASS/SCSS. It Integrates an autoprefixer, compass support and a minifier.


Automatically compile your ES6 to ES5 compatible code. Files suffixed with .es6.js will be detected and converted to work according to the defined browser support settings.


Lint files suffixed with .es6.js according to the AirBnB standard


Generate custom modernizr.js files by analizing your css and js files.


Initialize a styleguide using Fractal.

Using Third party modules

Goat modules are installable directly from Goat itself. By running goat settings add MODULE_NAME, goat will install the module (npm package) globaly on your system and add it to the configuration. After this, the module can be used on your system.



To start using goat in your project, just run goat init.

Check available Tasks

Run goat to display the help which lists all the available tasks.

Watch project

Run all watch enabled tasks simultaneously typing goat watch in your terminal.

Building a module

Each goat module must include two things.

  1. A goat property inside the package.json "goat": { "name": "Module name", "description": "Brief description of the functionality" }
  2. a entry file which exports a function, this function receives the Goat class, which can be used to build your module.
  module.exports = function my_module(Goat) {
    return new Goat({
      name: 'My Module',
      command: 'my-module',
      description: 'a example module',
      schema: require('./src/schema'), // localtion of a schema describing the module config
      method: (config) => {
        // method to be executed
      watch: (config) => {
        // Optional method which is executed when the -w flag is added or by running goat watch
        // config includes a event watch property
        const { events } = config;{
          name: 'Watch event',
          pattern: '**/*.s+(a|c)ss',
          events: /file:/,
          method: () => {
            //method to be executed
      init: {
        configuration: require('./init/configuration.json'), // default configuration for your module


All code released under MIT


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 96.7%Language:HTML 2.3%Language:SCSS 0.9%Language:Twig 0.0%