Athirson Silva (AthirsonSilva)


Geek Repo

Company:Universidade Nove de Julho

Location:São Paulo / SP

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Athirson Silva's repositories


Simple Landing page made for the "Escola Aberta" event at "Etec de Guaianazes"



Some small projects done with online tutorials

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


A email sender bot done with Python and smtplib. The projects consists of a python bot that checks the current day with the assistance of the datetime time Python standard library. If the day happens to be the birthday of somebody in the pre-made list of birthday dates. The bot will pick the corresponding template letter and send it to that certain person email with the letter birthday wishing message letter.



A project made for educational purposes to find out if the website Fandango artificially increases the movies ratings and stars to sell more tickets.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:UnlicenseStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


A simple php site that the user can select which category he wants to see from the navbar.



A flash card guess game where the user sees the word inside the canvas and tries to guess the portuguese meaning of that word within 3 seconds, and after this period of time, the card will flip and show the translation. If the users guessed the correct translation, he can click on the green button and the word will be removed from the list of the words he has to learn and will never show up again. The project was made with Tkinter for Graphical User Interface and Python for the programming.



A Flight deal app that finds cheap flight deals based on the base price and the destination and sends them via SMS to the user. The project has made with Python using some APIs.



Repository to storage the project and files made in the course "Intesivão Python" by Hashtangs Treinamentos.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


A simple API that notifies via e-mail the user once the ISS is in his exact cordinates, the API will read the user longitute and latitude and check if the ISS is passing past his location and a bot will send a email asking the user to look up to see the object moving through the space. The project was done with Python and the request library.



Just a repository for me to store my Kaggle courses certifications so i can share the URL to others to quickly acess and visualize them.



A simple Kanye West quotes app that contains a GUI with a Kanye West emoji with a onclick function that changes the quote displayed on the screen everytime the user clicks the Kanye West emoji button. The quotes came from a JSON database in the Kanye Rest API using the Request Python library, and the Graphical User Interface and the programming were made with Python and TKInter.



A simple application that receives a value in kilometers and returns the value converted to miles. The technologies used in this mini-project was Python for the back-end functionalities programming and TKinter for the Graphical User Interface.



All files from the Udemy "Machine-Learning Masterclass" Python and Data science course

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


A motivacional quote email sending mini-project done with Python and smtplib. The project isn't run by the user at all, the script runs a bot that automatically sends a email containing a random motivacional quote picked from a database using the random library at a set day in the week - in this project, the set day was monday, because everyone would like to get a motivacional quote at the first working day of the week -.



A simple artificial intelligence and machine-learning introductory project made from a online tutorial. It receives data from a .csv file and creates a AI model that can predict the musical taste of a person from their gender and age.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:UnlicenseStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0
Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


A simple password manager App that stores the host/ site, email and password, that are validate and stored locally on the user computer. The project was done with Python and TKinter and some other Python standard libraries.



Image resize and quality changing simple API with Pillow



A simple Pomodoro app that have three functionalities: Work sessions of 25 minutes, short break session of 5 minutes and long break sessions of 20 minutes. The app contains a pretty simple and minimalist Graphical User Interfac with a label containing the current session, a .png of a tomatoe, a timer in the middle of the tomotoe .png and two buttons to start the session and to reset it. The project was made if Python, TKinter and other Python standard libraries.



A simple game development project using Python for the programming, and TKinter and Turtle for the Graphical User Interface.



A pretty simple calculator desktop app that accepts the basics operations (sum, subtraction, multiplication and division). The Graphical User Interface resembles a standard basic calculator, and was done with PyQT5 and the programming was done with vanilla Python.



Predicts if someone has a high risk of dying by heart attack or related diseases

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


A simple Python app that gets the weather data from OpenWeather API and alerts the user messaging him/ her with a SMS message suggesting to grab a umbrella when it's going to rain.



A simple snake game mini-project done with Python using TKinter and Turtle Graphical User Interfaces



CRUD with SQLite and Python



A remaking of my previou quiz app project, that was done with pure Python using a database within my machine file system. This time i am building the project using an API for Trivia Questions, Python for the back-end programming and TKInter for the Graphical User Interface (GUI).



A simple crossing road classic game made with Python for the programming and back-end, and TKinter and Turtle for the Graphical User Interface.



A simple turtle race game with Python and a Graphical User Interface made with TKinter and Turtle Python libraries



A Python project using the Nutritionix API and more. This workout tracker simply asks the user the activities he has done for the day and store the information inside a Google Sheets database using the Sheety API.
