Athayna / hsrm-fairy-tale-mirror

Mirror of our group project for the course "Human Computer Interaction" at Hochschule RheinMain in 5th semester involving a voice controlled smart mirror for children

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Fairy Tale Mirror

A project for the course "Human Computer Interaction" at Hochschule RheinMain in 5th semester involving a voice controlled smart mirror for children


  • Customization: Customizable user profile to engage the user on a personal level
  • Brushing Teeth: Motivates children to brush teeth
  • Fairy Tales: Reads a number of locally stored fairy tales
  • Weather data: Fetches real time weather data for responses based on that data
  • Learning Games: Games that teach the child to read or do math


The application was build within one semester. The development process contained finding a topic, planning the software and developing this prototype.


  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
  • 16GB SD-Card
  • HDMI display
  • Framed one-way mirror


Software requirements

Install Python and in any command line run:

pip install speechrecognition gtts requests pillow pyaudio playsound==1.2.2 opencv-python pandas numpy text2num

You will need a window manager and desktop environment installed.

Hardware requirements

  • Speakers
  • Microphone


Clone the repository.

In any command line, navigate to the project folder and start the program with:



Mirror of our group project for the course "Human Computer Interaction" at Hochschule RheinMain in 5th semester involving a voice controlled smart mirror for children


Language:Python 100.0%