Asvoria / Pasta

Project Pasta is a secret project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Project Pasta is a secret project


Initial Steps:

mkdir frontend backend
cd backend
echo node_modules > .gitignore
touch .env
touch server.js
npm init -y # Initialise npm

Adding into package.json file:

"scripts": {
    "error": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "test": "nodemon server.js",
    "start": "node server.js"

Back to terminal to install packages:

npm i reactstrap express mongoose body-parser cookie-parser morgan nodemon dotenv cors express-validator jsonwebtoken express-jwt formidable lodash slugify string-strip-html shortid google-auth-library @sendgrid/mail

Setup Cloud database (NoSQL MongoDB)

On MongoDB Atlas website and create a cluster. Make sure IP is included. Click Connect choose Connect to your application. Copy the API line into .env file:


Route Designs

mkdir controllers helpers models routes validators

Main Page

Landing on page of 10 Latest, 5 New, 5 Popular, 5 Trending, 5 Completed, 5 Picks.

Main Page Links

  1. Read - Popular, Trending, Picks, Latest, New, Completed The page will display lists of titles that each filter according to the statistics.
  2. Write - Athour's Dashboard
  3. Community - Disqus, Discord, Reddit
  4. Support - Technical FAQ, Ticket
  5. About - Legal and policy statements
  6. Donate - Patreon, KoFi, Metamask, include accounting.
  7. Search - Title advance search with tags
  8. Account - Sign up and login
  9. Fictions - The database
mkdir readpage writepage community support about donate search account fictions

Inside each folder, there will be a .js file that will be called by the main server.js.


Color Palatte

  • Orange Pink: #DE5542
  • Dark Blue: #3F53&1
  • Dark Green: #62673B
  • Gold: #F7A049
npm init -y
npm install --save next react react-dom next/dynamic
npm i query-string isomorphic-fetch js-cookie jsonwebtoken moment nprogress prop-types 
query-string react-google-login react-quill reactstrap @zeit/next-css
npm i react-render-html --legacy-peer-deps
npm i with-styled-components with-styled-components-app

To run on local: npm run dev

26/02/2023 ES6 code updated for backend. Need to test run by editing the keys.


Project Pasta is a secret project


Language:JavaScript 98.5%Language:CSS 1.5%