Astrocoders / bs-abstract

Bucklescript interfaces and implementations for category theory and abstract algebra

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Bucklescript interfaces and implementations for category theory and abstract algebra


Install the project:

npm install bs-abstract --save

And add the dependency to your bs-dependencies in bsconfig.json:

"bs-dependencies": [

The project will be available under the BsAbstract namespace

Project Layout

This is the current layout of the project. It's subject to change:

The rest of the files under src are implementations based on data type (ie: for strings). These files and their corresponding unit tests in the test folder will give you an idea on how to use and implement the interfaces for your own data structures.

Suggested Usage

  • The suggested way to combine monadic code is to use kliesli composition instead of flat_map. For example, given a type that's a monad, a very common pattern is to get the inner value and pass it in as an argument to a subsequent function, like so:

    module I = Functions.Infix.Monad(BsEffects.Effect.Monad);
    let exclaim_file = path => BsEffects.Effect.Infix.({
      read_file(path) >>= contents => {
        write_file(path, contents ++ "!")

    Which looks like this using do notation (in haskell):

    contents <- read_file "foo"
    _ <- write_file "foo" (contents ++ "!")

    This can be written with kliesli composition like this:

    module Effect_Infix = Functions.Infix.Monad(BsEffects.Effect.Monad);
    let ((>=>), (>.)) = (Effect_Infix.(>=>), Function.Infix.(>.));
    let exclaim = Function.flip((++))("!");
    let exclaim_file = path => Function.const(read_file(path)) >=> (exclaim >. write_file(path));

    Building up functions using function and kliesli composition is a good litmus test that your program is built up from generic, pure abstractions. Which means that the code is easy to abstract to make it reusable in many other contexts, and abstractions are easy to decompose when requirements change.

  • For interfaces based on functors, Use already instantiated functors if available to avoid the extra boilerplate, ie:

  • Don't overuse infix operators. If the code is combinatorial it can make it more readable, but a lot of times prefix operators are simpler and easier to read

  • If you do use infix operators, prefer local opens over global opens, and prefer explicit unpacking over local opens, ie:

    let ((<.), (>.)) = Function.Infix.((<.), (>.))
  • Abbreviated modules can make code terser and easier to read in some situations (ie:, especially in situations where infix operators can't be used because they would introduce ambiguity, like for example when two different monoids are used in the same function.

Example code:

module T = ListF.Option.Traversable;
assert(T.sequence([Some("foo"), Some("bar")]) == Some(["foo", "bar"]));

See the unit tests for many more examples

Side effects / IO

See the bs-effects package for sync and async implementations of the "IO monad", and the bs-free package for free monads and other free structures.

Use with ppx_let

You can integrate monads with ppx_let, a ppx rewriter that provides "do notation" sugar for monads. The rewriter expects a Let_syntax module to be in scope, which you can construct using PPX_Let.Make, like so:

module OptionLet = PPX_Let.Make(Option.Monad);;

let add_optionals = fun x y ->
  let open OptionLet in
  let%bind x' = x in 
  let%bind y' = y in
  Some (x' + y');;

Js.log @@ add_optionals (Some 123) (Some 456);; (* Some 579 *)

Currently as of this writing, there's no support for let%bind style syntax for ReasonML, but it should be available in one of the next releases


Licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license. See LICENSE


Bucklescript interfaces and implementations for category theory and abstract algebra

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:OCaml 96.5%Language:C++ 3.5%