Assassin-1234 / discord.js-casanova

discord.js-casanova an open source npm package.

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NOTE: If you're using typescript with this package and having problems please join the support server


Completely modular commands, and events.

- Reading files recursively from directories.
- Handle commands and events easily.

Command Features.

  • Cooldowns! (In seconds).
  • Utility Functions!
  • Aliases!
  • Client and Member permissions!
  • Guild, and owner only commands!
  • Nsfw commands!

Command Handler Feautres.

  • prefix - can be a string, an array, or a function!
  • defaultCooldown - The default cooldown for commands! optional.
  • ignoreCooldown - Let specific users bypass the cooldown on commands! optional.
  • strict - Weather or not to be strict on command execution optional | default=false.
  • Base Client, and Member permissions. - Check base permissions for each client and member. optional.

Command Handler Events.

  • cooldown - Emitted when a user is on cooldown.
  • commandUsed - Emitted when a user uses a command.
  • missingPermissions - Emitted when the member or client is missing permissions.
  • commandBlocked - emitted when a command is blocked due to nsfw | ownerOnly | guildOnly.

Command Handler Event paramaters

Note: command is the used command. message: is the Message object.

  • cooldown(message, command, timeLeft) note: timeLeft is in milliseconds.
  • commandUsed(message, command).
  • missingPermissions(message, command, missing, type) note: missing are the missing permissions and type is either client or member.
  • commandBlocked(message, command, reason) note: reason being "nsfw OR guildOnly OR ownerOnly"

Getting Started!

The Client

  // First we import the Client from discord.js-casanova.
  const { CasanovaClient } = require("discord.js-casanova");
  // Then we create our client!
  class Client extends CasanovaClient {
    // constructor
    constructor() {
        // super call
              // here are the Casanova Client options.
              token: "Your bot token here.",
              handlers: ["command", "event"], // this option just enables the command and event handlers if you want to use only the command handler you can just put command in the array.
              owners: [""] // The owner IDS NOTE: Required if you want to use the ownerOnly command option.
          }, {
               // Here goes your regular discord.js client options
       // This is a function to log the bot in.
      async start() {
        try {
            return console.log(`${this.user.tag} is online!`);
          } catch (e) {
  // Now that we've created our client let's log the bot in!
  const client = new Client();
  // Now you're bot is online!

Setting up the command handler.

Well now that we've created our client let's set up the command handler.

// First let's import The command handler from discord.js-casanova!

const { CasanovaClient, CommandHandler } = require("discord.js-casanova");

class Client extends CasanovaClient {
constructor() {
      token: "Your bot token here.",
      handlers: ["command", "event"],
      owners: [""],

  // Then inside the clients constructor create a property and name it whatever you want in this example I'm naming it "commandHandler".
  this.commandHandler = new CommandHandler(this, {
      "The command folder directory the base being the main directory.",
    prefix: (message) => {
      return "+"; // Notice this function MUST return a string!
    }, // here is your prefix note this can be a string, array, or a function
    baseClientPermissions: ["Base client permissions."],
    baseMemberPermissions: ["Base member permissions."],
    blockBots: true, // weather or not to block bots.
    blockClient: true, // Weather or not to block the client.
    defaultCooldown: 3, // The default cooldown for commands.
    ignoreCooldown: [""], // Array of people who can ignore the cooldown.
    setCommandClient: true, // default to true || This is mostly for typescript users if you set this to false you won't be able to access the client via `this.client`!
    strict: true, // default to false. Weather to be strict about the command's execution.

async start() {
  try {
    return console.log(`${this.user.tag} is online!`);
  } catch (e) {

Setting up the event handler!

// Now for the event handler we have to import it first!
const {
} = require("discord.js-casanova");

class Client extends CasanovaClient {
  constructor() {
        token: "Your bot token here.",
        handlers: ["command", "event"],
        owners: [""],

    this.commandHandler = new CommandHandler(this, {
        "The command folder directory the base being the main directory.",
      prefix: (message) => {
        return "+";
      baseClientPermissions: ["Base client permissions."],
      baseMemberPermissions: ["Base member permissions."],
      blockBots: true,
      blockClient: true,
      defaultCooldown: 3,
      ignoreCooldown: [""],
      setCommandClient: true,
      strict: true,

    // Then we make a property again call it whatever you want but i'm calling it eventHandler for this example.
    this.eventHandler = new EventHandler(this, {
        "The event folder directory the base being the main directory.",

  async start() {
    try {
      return console.log(`${this.user.tag} is online!`);
    } catch (e) {

Creating your first command!

Notice: This should be in each file in the commands directory.

// Now for your first command!

// first we've gotta import the command base!

const { CommandBase } = require("discord.js-casanova");

module.exports = class PingCommand extends CommandBase {
  constructor() {
      name: "ping", // the name of the command.
      aliases: ["p"], // The aliases for the command <optional>.
      category: "Utils", // Category. <optional>
      clientPermissions: ["client permissions"], // <optional>
      cooldown: 4, // 0 for no cooldown <>.
      description: "description", // <optional>
      guildOnly: true, // <optional> default=true
      memberPermissions: ["member permissions"], // <optional>
      nsfw: false, // <optional> default=false
      ownerOnly: false, // <optional> default=false
      usage: "usage", // <optional>

  // Now every command Has to have an execute function.
  execute(message, args) {
    console.log(this.client.user.tag); // `this.client` being your client.

Creating your first event!

Notice: This should be in each file in the events directory.

// Now we gotta import the event base!
const { EventBase } = require("discord.js-casanova");

module.exports = class SomeEvent extends EventBase {
  constructor() {
      name: "Name of the event.",
      once: false, // <optional> weather the event should be emitted once or not.

  // Every event has to have an execute function.
  execute(...parms) {

Problems / issues

If you ever run into any issue with this package please join our support server and feel free to ping me!

Pull requests.

Pull requests are welcome by anybody.


discord.js-casanova an open source npm package.

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%