AssanSav / -rails-javaScript-final-project

Flatiron Rails Back-end and JavaScript front-end APP

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rails API with JavaScript Front-end Full CRUD and Users Authentications


This APP uses a Rails API back-end and a JavaScript front-end using the fetch() method to fetch the back-end, gets the JSON uses the json() method to instantiate javaScript Objects and saves them in Recipe.all and Comment.all so it won't hit the API for the next request. This APP follows the concerns principal such as request related to Json API requests are happenning in the Api class, rendering markup texts, logic statements not related to DOM manupulations, instatiating new Object instances, saving them in a class variable happen in the Recipe and Comment classes. Everything related to DOM manupulation happen in the events liteners. This APP has users authentications via devise gem and to fully use the APP you would have to create and account follow below. This APP allows users to create FOOD RECIPES to be shared among others users, leave COMMENTS...

Ruby version

  • ruby 2.6.1

System dependencies

gem "devise", "~> 4.7"
gem "fast_jsonapi", "~> 1.5"
gem "pry", "~> 0.12.2"
gem "typhoeus", "~> 1.3"
gem 'rails', '~> 6.0.2', '>='


  • Fork and clone this repository and then run


  • run yarn install --check-files to update yarn
  • run rails db:migrate to create the migrations
  • run rails s to start the rails server
  • head to http://localhost:3000/ on your browser and click on signup to create a new account
  • head back to your terminal and run rails db:seed to seed the database
  • Go back to your browser and you should see new records of Recipes.

Documenting the APP functions

let BASE_URL = "http://localhost:3000"

class Recipe Functions

static getAllRecipes()

  • Checks if Recipe.all === 0 before calling on Api.fetchRecipes() to instantiate new instances of recipes saves them in Recipe.all giving the program some flexibility.

static create(recipeAttributes)

  • Calls on Api.fetchToCreateRecipes(recipeAttributes) chaining with a .then and uses the json from the backend API to create new Recipes and saves them in Recipe.all through the save() instance method


  • Saves this as a new instance of recipe in Recipe.all and returns it


  • Checks to see if a user is signed in or not, then decides of the markup to be rendered.

static update(recipe)

  • Calls on Api.fetchToUpdateRecipes(recipe) uses the json from the backend to update the new Recipe, mapping over the Recipe.all and setting an if ( === to avoid duplications, the return value of this function will be the updated recipe promise.


-- Checks if this.comments.length === 0 before calling on Api.fetchRecipeShow( to hit the backend Rails API, recicpe has_many comments allows me to pass the recipe id in this case finds the recipe comments or create them returning a resolved promise


  • Uses the filter method and returns all comments related to the matching recipe id passed in the block


  • Checks to see if a user is signed in or not, finds the recipe comments iterate over them and then decides of the markup to be rendered.


  • Render the show page markup

static renderForm()

  • Render the form markup to create new recipes


  • Render the form markup to update recipes

static findById(id)

  • Finds a recipe by a given id and return it

Recipe.all = []

  • In javaScript a class variable is defined outside of the class

class Comment

static create(commentAttributes)

  • Calls on Api.fetchToCreateComments(commentAttributes) chaining with a .then and uses the json from the backend API to create new Comment and saves them in Comment.all through the save() instance method

static findOrCreate(attributes)

  • Finds a comment by a given attributes id to return or create a new Comment with those attributes and saves them in Comment.all


  • Render the comment show page markup


  • Saves this as a new instance in Comment.all and always returns this


  • In javaScript a class variable is defined outside of the class

class Api

static fetchRecipes()

  • Fetches the ${BASE_URL}/recipes hits the recipes index controller action if resolved it will return a destrutured promise

static fetchRecipeShow(id)

  • Fetches the ${BASE_URL}/recipes/${id} from the id parameter hits the recipes controller show action if resolved it will return a destrutured promise of the passed in id

static fetchToCreateRecipes(recipeAttributes)

  • Fetches the ${BASE_URL}/recipes giving the fetch method a second argument with a POST method a X-CSRF-Token in the headers to validate the authenticity of the request, hits the recipes controller create action if valid, will persist the data and then returns a destructured promise for the frontend use

static fetchToUpdateRecipes(recipe)

  • Fetches the ${BASE_URL}/recipes/${} by addind the recipe object id to the url, giving the fetch method a second argument with a PATCH method including a X-CSRF-Token in the headers to validate the authenticity of the request, hits the recipes controller update action updates the record and returns a destructured promise.

static fetchToDeleteRecipe(recipeId)

  • Fetches the ${BASE_URL}/recipes/${recipeId} by adding the recipe id to the Url, with a second argument to the fetch method of DELETE including a X-CSRF-Token in the headers to validate the authenticity of the request, hits the destroy action and then returns a json response and uses json() to extract the actual json and return the promise

static fetchToCreateComments(commentAttributes)

  • Fetches the ${BASE_URL}/comments with a second argument of a POST method and X-CSRF-Token in the headers to validate the authenticity of the request, hits the comments controller create action if valid, will persist the data and then returns a destructured promise for the frontend use

static fetchToDeleteComment(recipeId, commentId)

  • Takes in 2 arguments the recipeId that we want to delete the comment from and the commentId that is being deleted fetches the ${BASE_URL}/recipes/${recipeId}/comments/${commentId} with a second argument of DELETE method including a X-CSRF-Token in the headers to validate the authenticity of the request, hits the destroy action and then returns a json response and uses json() to extract the actual json and return the promise

Adding events listeners

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {})

  • Is making sure the initial HTML is fully loaded and parsed

document.addEventListener("click", (event) => {})

  • Adding click events liteners responding to a button click deciding what action is being required and how to manupulate the DOM

document.addEventListener("submit", (e) => {})

  • e.preventDefault() to prevent a normal request cycle when submitting to create a new record.
  • adding submit events listeners to create new instances of objects via users interactions and manipulate the DOM


Flatiron Rails Back-end and JavaScript front-end APP


Language:Ruby 49.0%Language:JavaScript 28.6%Language:HTML 17.1%Language:CSS 4.1%Language:SCSS 1.2%