AsonCS / adopet-challenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Adopet by AsonCS



Public Address

Trello Boards



This project was designed by @Alura team πŸ€™, and I tried to implement it 😁. This is about a unreal site of pets adoption, where users can donate or adopt pets 🐢🐱🐭🐹🐰 for the happiness of them 😸!!!

My Challenges

I am a Android Front-End developer, but I have more facility with logic and algorithm. For the layout things, I have some difficulties πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… This is why I accepted this challenge, I want to improve my ability with layout things to my professional future πŸ’ͺπŸ‘ŠπŸ€“.

About Source

User Information

  • The user information is stored in browser local storage.
  • The signed user information is stored in browser session storage.
  • In both browser local storage and browser session storage just the sha256 of the user password is stored, so that information is not stored in clear text.
  • In both browser local storage and browser session storage the store the base64 string of user image.

Npm Scripts

  • dev: next dev -H
    • Used on dev time.
  • build: next build
    • Used to build a production version.
  • export: next build && next export -o ./docs
    • Used to build a production version and place it on deploy folder.
  • serve: npm run export && firebase serve -o --only hosting
    • Used to build a production version, place it on deploy folder and server it locally to tests.

Workflows Scripts

  • firebase-hosting-merge.yml:
    • Runs when there is a merge on main branch, that script generate a production build and deploy it.
  • firebase-hosting-pull-request.yml:
    • Runs when there is a pull request to main branch, that script generate a production build and deploy it to a test address.

Source Structure

  • pages:
    • Where the files and folder structure defines the public urls.
  • public:
    • Where the public assets are.
  • src:
    • Where the source in react way is.
  • src/api:
    • Where the information needed is abstracted from the view layer.
  • src/ui:
    • UI source, like react components, styled components, hooks and so on.
  • src/utils:
    • Some useful code.


  • Root Page
    • Signed user
      • PΓ‘gina de pets button go to Home.
    • Not signed user
      • JΓ‘ tenho conta button go to Login.
      • Quero me cadastrar button go to Registration.
  • Login
    • If user is signed in, redirect to Home
    • Entrar button consult browser local storage looking for the user information with given email and password, if it exists, set browser session storage with that user, and redirect to Home
    • Esqueci minha senha. button go to Registration with given email, if browser local storage has that email, pre-fill the registration fields.
  • Registration
    • If user is signed in, redirect to Home
    • Cadastrar button save the given information in browser local storage, set browser session storage with that user, and redirect to Home.
    • If email url query is present, and if browser local storage has that email, pre-fill the some fields.
  • Home
    • If user is not signed in, redirect to Index.
    • List all pets from a requested json file.
    • By clicking on one pet, go to Messages with that pet selected.
  • Messages
    • If user is not signed in, redirect to Index.
    • Pre-fill some fields with signed user information.
    • If petId url query is present, select that pet.
  • Profile
    • Pre-fill the fields with signed user information.
    • By clicking on user image in form, is possible change it.
    • Salvar button save current user information
    • By clicking on user image in Header, is possible sing out.