Aslm / STM32Cube_MCU_Overall_Offer

This repo describes all STM32 MCU related GitHub projects. The open source offer for the STM32 MCU products

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STM32Cube is an STMicroelectronics original initiative to ease the developers life by reducing efforts, time and cost.

STM32Cube covers the overall STM32 products portfolio (MCU and MPU). It includes a comprehensive embedded software platform, delivered for each STM32 series.

  • The CMSIS modules (core and device) corresponding to the ARM(tm) core implemented in this STM32 product
  • The STM32 HAL-LL drivers : an abstraction drivers layer, the API ensuring maximized portability across the STM32 portfolio
  • The BSP Drivers of each evaluation or demonstration board provided by this STM32 series
  • A consistent set of middlewares components such as RTOS, USB, FatFS, Graphics, TCP/IP, BLE, STM32_TouchSensing_Library ...
  • A full set of software projects (basic examples, applications or demonstrations) for each board provided by this STM32 series

This is a new publication model for the STM32Cube MCU embedded software.Two models of publication are proposed :

  • The monolithic MCU Package : all STM32Cube software modules of one STM32 MCU series are present (Drivers, Middlewares, Utilities) in an unique repo, with various examples projects. The usual name of a STM32MCU Package is STM32Cubexx, xx corresponding to the STM32 series). Please refer to the chapter STM32Cube MCU Packages below.

  • From Q4'19, the MCU components, parts the MCU Packages, will be progressively delivered as individual repos, allowing the user to select and get only the required software functions. Please refer to the chapter STM32Cube MCU Components below.

Please note that a MPU offer is also proposed for the STM32 MPU Products. You can refer to the repo STM32MPU_EmbSW_Overall_Offer


This repo is a simple Readme describing all STM32 MCU related GitHub projects, the open source offer for the STM32 MCU products.

This new publication channel of the STM32Cube embedded software components will provide new added values :

  • In complement to the MCU Package zip files today proposed on, the capability for STM32 customers to get a configuration management based delivery (Git)
  • A more direct communication between developers, thanks to the Issues features. Caution : only software related questions will be taken into account. Any other subject must be submitted to the ST Community forum
  • In a second phase (after the deployment of a Contributor License Agreement mechanism), the Pull-Request will permit to take into account customers proposed updates and enrich the STM32Cube FW offer.

For general communication and support, you can use

STM32Cube MCU Packages

STM32Cube MCU Packages Description
STM32CubeF0 The STM32CubeF0 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeF1 The STM32CubeF1 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeF2 The STM32CubeF2 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeF3 The STM32CubeF3 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeF4 The STM32CubeF4 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeF7 The STM32CubeF7 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeH7 The STM32CubeH7 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeG0 The STM32CubeG0 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeG4 The STM32CubeG4 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeL0 The STM32CubeL0 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeL1 The STM32CubeL1 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeL4 The STM32CubeL4 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeL5 The STM32CubeL5 FW MCU Package
STM32CubeWB The STM32CubeWB FW MCU Package
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more to come ....

STM32Cube MCU Components

As mentioned above, the STM32Cube Components is an alternative delivery model to the STM32 Packages. In this case, each module is delivered as individual repos, allowing the customer to select and download only the pertinent features.

In December 2019, the CMSIS modules are proposed. The next update will contain the HAL-LL Drivers. Then the Middleware modules. (From Q1'20).

In each module README file you will find the cross compatibility information. When all modules will be available a set of new Manifest files (series by series) will be proposed to drive the user.


STM32Cube CMSIS core Description
cmsis_core The STM32 CMSIS Core, issued from ARM (tm) publication. Please check the file.
STM32Cube CMSIS Devices Description
cmsis_device_f0 The STM32F0 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_f1 The STM32F1 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_f2 The STM32F2 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_f3 The STM32F3 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_f4 The STM32F4 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_f7 The STM32F7 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_g0 The STM32G0 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_g4 The STM32G4 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_h7 The STM32H7 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_l0 The STM32L0 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_l1 The STM32L1 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_l4 The STM32L4 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_l5 The STM32L5 CMSIS Device files
cmsis_device_wb The STM32WB CMSIS Device files
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more to come ....

STM32Cube HAL Drivers

The HAL Drivers MCU Components propose the HAL and LL Drivers modules controlling all the HW IPs embedded in the STM32 product

  • HAL Drivers:

    • A set of portable abstraction APIs offering high level services, built around standalone processes. The HAL drivers are functionalities oriented, example: for the Timer peripheral, the APIs could be split into several categories following the functions offered by the IPs (Basic timer, capture, PWM …etc.) for a communication IP: an initialisation function, eventually a configuration function and data transfer services (polling, interruption or DMA based)
    • The compatibility SHALL be guaranteed across all the STM32 families for the generic APIs, including generic macros and common structures defines. Any specific feature is given in a dedicated extension model available in the associated extension files
  • LL Drivers:

    • Low Layer Drivers: a set of basic functions with direct hardware access (no standalone process), this layer can be called either by applications or by the HAL drivers.

The dynamic usage of HAL APIs is provided thru projects examples, available in the respective STM32Cube MCU Packages STM32Cubexx where xx correspond to the series

STM32Cube HAL Drivers Description
stm32f0xx_hal_driver The STM32F0 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32f1xx_hal_driver The STM32F1 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32f2xx_hal_driver The STM32F2 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32f3xx_hal_driver The STM32F3 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32f4xx_hal_driver The STM32F4 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32f7xx_hal_driver The STM32F7 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32g0xx_hal_driver The STM32G0 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32g4xx_hal_driver The STM32G4 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32h7xx_hal_driver The STM32H7 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32l0xx_hal_driver The STM32L0 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32l1xx_hal_driver The STM32L1 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32l4xx_hal_driver The STM32L4 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32l5xx_hal_driver The STM32L5 HAL-LL Drivers
stm32wbxx_hal_driver The STM32WB HAL-LL Drivers
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more to come ....


This repo describes all STM32 MCU related GitHub projects. The open source offer for the STM32 MCU products