AsierFox / git-helper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

git helper

Create a repository

git init

Clone repository

git clone (url)
git clone (username)@(host):(/path/to/repo)

Push changes to branch

git add * # if new files
git commit -m "(commit_message)"
git push origin (branch)

Pull from server (update)

git pull

Create a branch

git checkout -b (branch)

Switch to another branch

git checkout (branch)

Sync master with develop

# Merge master into develop (Fire command from master branch, due to is AHEAD)
git checkout master
git merge develop
# Merge develop to master
git checkout develop
git merge master

Merge branch into another

# On the branch that you want to merge with, the neglect branch
git checkout (target_branch_name)
git pull origin (target_branch_name)
git merge --no-ff (neglect_branch_name) # No fast forward (To not lose commits)
git push origin (target_branch_name)
git checkout (neglect_branch_name) # Return to neglet branch
# merge develop into master (Fire command from develop branch)
git checkout master && git pull origin master && git merge --no-ff -m "merge develop to master" develop && git push origin master && git checkout develop

Change remote from Bitbucket repository to Github

git remote rename origin bitbucket
git remote add origin <url_github_repo>
git push origin master

git remote rm bitbucket

Get repo status

git status

Undo/Remove commit

git revert -m "revert commit (description)" (commit_id)

Create tag to commit

git tag (tag_name) (commit_id)

Get repo log (All commits history)

git log
