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WebJeda Sidebar Theme

Webjeda sidbar theme is based on Simple Sidebar theme by Start Bootstrap. It is optimized to be used on Jekyll.

webjeda sidebar theme


Fork the master branch and delete gh-pages branch. This is important because gh-pages branch is used here only to host the blog. You should be using master branch as the source.

How to delete old gh-pages branch?

After forking the repository, click on branches.

delete gh-pages branch

Delete gh-pages branch. delete gh-pages branch

You have to create a new gh-pages branch using the master branch. Go back to the forked repository and create gh-pages branch.

create gh-pages branch

Now, go to settings and check the Github Pages section. You should see a URL where the blog is hosted.

This process will host the theme as a Project Page. You can also download the files for local development.

Default theme will look like this

webjeda sidebar theme


The theme provides a nice siebar that can be toggled using a menu button. It can be customized by changing colors in the _config.yml file.

  #color scheme
  sidebar-color: '#3A539B'       
  accent-color: '#3A539B' 

webjeda sidebar theme

You may have to sign up for google custom search engine and use the google-custom-search-cx code inside _config.yml file.


Make changes to the master branch create a pull request. Do not use gh-pages branch as it is used to host the theme.

Copyright and License

Copyright 2013-2015 Iron Summit Media Strategies, LLC. Code released under the Apache 2.0 license.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:CSS 51.0%Language:HTML 49.0%