AshenPheonix / java-sql

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A student that completes this project shows that they can:

  • Query data from a single table
  • Query data from multiple tables
  • Create a new datadaase using PostgreSQL


Working with SQL


Surf to SQL Try Editor at

Clicking the Restore Database button in the page will repopulate the database with the original data and discard all changes you have made.

Answer the following data queries. Keep track of the SQL you write by pasting it into this document under its appropriate header below. You will be submitting that through the regular fork, change, pull process.

find all customers that live in London. Returns 6 records.

This can be done with SELECT and WHERE clauses select * from customers where city = "London";

find all customers with postal code 1010. Returns 3 customers.

This can be done with SELECT and WHERE clauses select * from customers where postalcode = 1010;

find the phone number for the supplier with the id 11. Should be (010) 9984510.

This can be done with SELECT and WHERE clauses select phone from suppliers where supplierid=11;

list orders descending by the order date. The order with date 1997-02-12 should be at the top.

This can be done with SELECT, WHERE, and ORDER BY clauses select * from orders order by orderdate desc;

find all suppliers who have names longer than 20 characters. You can use length(SupplierName) to get the length of the name. Returns 11 records.

This can be done with SELECT and WHERE clauses SELECT * FROM suppliers where length(suppliername) > 20;

find all customers that include the word "market" in the name. Should return 4 records.

This can be done with SELECT and a WHERE clause using the LIKE keyword select * from customers where customername like "%market%";

Don't forget the wildcard '%' symbols at the beginning and end of your substring to denote it can appear anywhere in the string in question

add a customer record for "The Shire", the contact name is "Bilbo Baggins" the address is "1 Hobbit-Hole" in "Bag End", postal code "111" and the country is "Middle Earth".

This can be done with the INSERT INTO clause insert into customers (customername, contactname, address, city, postalcode, country) values ("The Shire", "Bilbo Baggins", "1 Hobbit-Hole", "Bag End", "111", "Middle Earth");

update Bilbo Baggins record so that the postal code changes to "11122".

This can be done with UPDATE and WHERE clauses update customers set address="11122" where contactname="Bilbo Baggins";

list orders grouped by customer showing the number of orders per customer. Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery should have 7 orders.

This can be done with SELECT, COUNT, JOIN and GROUP BY clauses. Your count should focus on a field in the Orders table, not the Customer table select c.customername, c.contactname, count(o.orderid) from customers as c join orders as o where c.customerid == o.customerid group by c.customername;

There is more information about the COUNT clause on W3 Schools

list customers names and the number of orders per customer. Sort the list by number of orders in descending order. Ernst Handel should be at the top with 10 orders followed by QUICK-Stop, Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery and Wartian Herkku with 7 orders each.

This can be done by adding an ORDER BY clause to the previous answer select c.customername, c.contactname, count(o.orderid) from customers as c join orders as o where c.customerid == o.customerid group by c.customername order by count(o.orderid) desc;

list orders grouped by customer's city showing number of orders per city. Returns 58 Records with Aachen showing 2 orders and Albuquerque showing 7 orders.

This is very similar to the previous two queries, however, it focuses on the City rather than the CustomerName select, count(o.orderid) from customers as c join orders as o where c.customerid == o.customerid group by order by count(o.orderid) desc;

Data Normalization

Note: This step does not use PostgreSQL!

Take the following data and normalize it into a 3NF database.

Person Name Pet Name Pet Type Pet Name 2 Pet Type 2 Pet Name 3 Pet Type 3 Fenced Yard City Dweller
Jane Ellie Dog Tiger Cat Toby Turtle No Yes
Bob Joe Horse No No
Sam Ginger Dog Miss Kitty Cat Bubble Fish Yes No
PersonID PersonName FencedYard CityDweller
1 Jane No Yes
2 Bob No No
3 Sam Yes No
PetID PersonID Pet_Name PetType
1 1 Ellie Dog
2 1 Tiger Cat
3 1 Toby Turtle
4 2 Joe Horse
5 3 Ginger Dog
6 3 Miss Kitty Cat
7 3 Bubble Fish

Stretch Goals

delete all customers that have no orders. Should delete 17 (or 18 if you haven't deleted the record added) records.

This is done with a DELETE query delete from customers where customerid in (select customers.customerid from customers left join orders on orders.customerid = customers.customerid group by customers.customerid having count(orderid)=0);

In the WHERE clause, you can provide another list with an IN keyword this list can be the result of another SELECT query. Write a query to return a list of CustomerIDs that meet the criteria above. Pass that to the IN keyword of the WHERE clause as the list of IDs to be deleted

Use a LEFT JOIN to join the Orders table onto the Customers table and check for a NULL value in the OrderID column

Create Database and Table

Keep track of the code you write and paste at the end of this document

  • use pgAdmin to create a database, naming it budget.

  • add an accounts table with the following schema:

    • id, numeric value with no decimal places that should autoincrement.
    • name, string, add whatever is necessary to make searching by name faster.
    • budget numeric value.
  • constraints

    • the id should be the primary key for the table.
    • account name should be unique.
    • account budget is required.

--- answer

create table accounts( accountID serial primary key, name varchar(255) unique, budget int not null )


License:MIT License