Exsolvo - "to release".
An opinionated GitHub bot that aids you and your team in managing releases.
All Feature PRs should have their branch prefixed with either feature/
or bug/
Add a comment to a PR which contains a 👍 to have the "QA Required" status set to successful.
Please note, you cannot thumb up your own PR and any subsequent changes to the PR will revert the status to pending and require another thumbs up.
To create a new release branch, you have a couple of options:
@bot add to release
This will create a new release with a random name.
@bot add to release phase-two
This will create a release named "phase-two".
In order to add to an existing release branch, you would use the Release PR number:
@bot add to release #37
This will add the PR to the Release PR with the number 37.
If conflicts were encountered when attempting to automatically merge a Feature PR into a Release PR, you will need to manually merge the branches and resolve the conflicts. Once the conflicts have been resolved, you will need to comment on the original PR:
@bot merged into release
This will mark the merge as successful and update the Release PR accordingly.
Once a Release PR contains all of the required Feature PRs, it can be made ready for staging:
@bot ready for staging
This will create a pre-release tag (e.g v1.0.0-0
) for you. Once complete, a reply will be posted containing the tag to use in deployment.
Once a tag has been successfully deployed to staging, comment on the Release PR with:
@bot on staging
This will update the Release PR and all of the Feature PRs within it to label them as "on-staging".
When you would like the Release PR to go to production, just add a comment like:
@bot ready for production
This will generate and commit a changelog of all of the changes in the Release PR and provide you with a release tag (e.g v1.0.0
) for you to deploy to production.
Once deployed to production comment on the Release PR with:
@bot on production
This will label the Release PR and all the Feature PRs within it with on-production
Please note it is up to you to click the merge button to merge the Release PR into master
. This should happen once you are happy with the production deployment.
Once merged into master
the Release PR and all Feature PRs contained within it will be closed and their branches deleted automatically.