AseemWangoo / AddFlutter

This project shows how to add flutter to android app

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AddFlutter Android App

This project contains a sample Android application that shows you how to embed a Flutter module into a native Android project.

Getting Started

See the video here.

Import a Flutter module into your Android app

Update your app/build.gradle file with path of the imported artifact:

android {
  // ...

repositories {
  maven {
    url 'some/path/android_project/<copied-flutter-aar-artifact-directory-name>'
    // This is relative to the location of the build.gradle file
  maven {
    url ''

dependencies {
  // ...
  debugImplementation 'com.example.flutter_module:flutter_debug:1.0'
  profileImplementation 'com.example.flutter_module:flutter_profile:1.0'
  releaseImplementation 'com.example.flutter_module:flutter_release:1.0'

Add the code needed to launch the Flutter app as shown in the example.

Run your Android project.


To easily import the Flutter module into an existing Android application, we need to build the Flutter module into a generic Android Archive (AAR). To create an Android AAR file from the Flutter module run:

cd flutter_nps
flutter build aar

You must run flutter build aar every time you make code changes in your Flutter module. Then follow the rest of the instructions regarding configuration displayed in the command line.

Open the Android project in Android Studio or IntelliJ and run the app.


Failed to resolve: com.example.flutter_nps:flutter_debug:1.0

In both build.gradle and app/build.gradle replace relative path

maven {
     url '../../flutter_nps/build/host/outputs/repo'

with full path:

maven {
     url '<your_path>/flutter_nps/build/host/outputs/repo'


This project shows how to add flutter to android app


Language:Kotlin 100.0%