ArtooTrills / Bounty-QuickTools

Tasks to build quick tools and libraries we need in Artoo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Task 1: Deep Merge

There are 2 different datasets and you need to merge them into a single response. Write a program that accepts 2 different datasets and checks if they can merged. The output needs to be a single dataset

Example 1

Input DataSet 1

Name: Ravi Kumar
Source: Provider1
  Mobile1: 9998887770
  Landline: 099-444123
DOB: 01-02-1990

Input DataSet 2

Name: Ravi Kumar
Source: Provider2
  Mobile2: 8887776660
  Landline: 099-444123
Address: Jayanagar, Bangalore


Name: Ravi Kumar
Source: Combined
  Mobile1: 9998887770
  Mobile2: 8887776660
  Landline: 099-444123
DOB: 01-02-1990
Address: Jayanagar, Bangalore

Example 2

Input DataSet 1

Name: Ravi Kumar
Source: Provider1
  Mobile1: 9998887770
  Mobile2: 8887776660
  Landline: 099-444123
DOB: 01-02-1990

Input DataSet 2

Name: Ravi Kiran
Source: Provider2
  Mobile2: 8887776661
  Landline: 099-444123
Address: Jayanagar, Bangalore

In this example "Name" and "Mobile2" have slightly different values and hence cannot be merged directly. We need to keep them separate

Conflicted Output

Name: Ravi Kumar, Ravi Kiran
Source: Combined
  Mobile1: 9998887770
  Mobile2: 8887776660, 8887776661
  Landline: 099-444123
DOB: 01-02-1990
Address: Jayanagar, Bangalore


  • Use a JSON structure for your input and output
  • Your program should run for any kind of data structure
  • Do not use any libraries

Task 2: User details

Create a schema in MySQL that captures employee details,

employee basic details - employee_id, name, phone, email
employee designation - designation title, designation start_date, designation end_date
office location - loaction_id, location address

employee offices - employee_id, office_location_id
employee login - employee_id, office_location_id, login_time

Write a script which takes employee_id as an input parameter and shows all details for that employee - name, phone, designation, login_time and office_location address of login


  • Write your program in node.js or python
  • Do not use any libraries. Your script should run a terminal command

Final Words

When you are done, just create a pull request on this repo. We would like you to come in and present your code to the whole team.

May the force be with you!


Tasks to build quick tools and libraries we need in Artoo