The project is the part of the master thesis "Security Reputation System for Android Applications".
The software includes the following features:
- Generates overall offline and online trust to each application based on gathered static data and parsed Google Play data
- Obtains installed applications list
- Obtains static system information about each application after clicking on it
- Parses data be means of jsoup library from Google Play which constitutes offline and online trust calculation trust using AsyncTask
- Calculates the number of dangerous permissions along with permission groups
- Implements expandable permissions list for each application
- Displays three categories: System Data, Google Play, Permissions by means of Sliding Tabs
- Firebase Analytics and Google AdMob is involved
- Is solely written in the Java Programming Language
- Keeps all strings in a strings.xml file and enables RTL layout switching on all layouts
- Includes support for accessibility
- Utilizes stable libraries versions
Libraries Used:
- Jsoup — parsing Google Play data
- Butterknife — casting views
- Espresso — establishing UI tests