ArtificialShane / motion-mapping

Pepper motion mapping

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pepper motion mapping

A ROS package to map human motion (captured using the Nuitrack skeleton tracking software) to humanoid robot Pepper.


  • real-time motion mapping
  • motion mapping from a recorded ros bag (topic of interest is /body_tracker/skeleton_v2).

Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with Microsft Kinect Sensor v1. Currently does not work for Ubuntu 18.04 due to unsupported dependencies.


  1. Install Nuitrack Linux Drivers

    Important: Make sure you remove OpenNI - it conflicts with the version supplied by Nuitrack

     sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove openni-utils
  2. Install Nuitrack SDK:

  3. Install Python NAOqi SDK:

  4. Clone the following repo into your catkin workspace

     git clone

    Make sure to edit line 9 in the CMakeLists.txt file in nuitrack_body_tracker: set(NUITRACK_SDK_PATH /path/to/NuitrackSDK)

  5. Install these dependencies

     sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-pepper-.*
     pip install torch==1.4.0+cpu torchvision==0.5.0+cpu -f
     pip install pepper_kinematics
     pip install future
     pip install pandas

Using the ROS package

    roslaunch move_pepper move_pepper.launch 

Optional command line arguments:

  • only_sim:=<true or false, default is true. If false, it will connect with the phyiscal Pepper robot>
  • use_bag:=<happy, sad, angry, surprise, fear, disgust, default is None. If None, real time video stream will be used instead of a recorded ros bag> NOTE: make sure you have an RGBD sensor connected to your device if use_bag:=None

Additional argument changes can be made in the joint_convert.launch file:

  • <arg name="<emotion>_bag_path" default="/path/to/rosbag" />
  • <arg name="bag_playback_rate" default="1"/>
  • <arg name="model_dir" default="$(find joint_converter)/models" />


Pepper motion mapping


Language:Python 45.9%Language:CMake 30.5%Language:Jupyter Notebook 23.6%