Arthur-101 / CTkClock

Tkinter and CTkinter Clock Widget . (My first Module)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Library for CLock widget in Tkinter and CTkinter.


Since this Library is not yet ready, it's not published yet.
Download the folder and put it inside this directory to use:




Example 1:

from tkinter import *
from CTkClock import *

root = Tk()
root.title('Tkinter example')

clock = AnalogClock(root, radius = 150,)


Example 1

Example 2:

from customtkinter import *
from CTkClock import *

root = CTk()
root.title('Custom Tkinter Example')

clock = AnalogClock(root, radius = 150, font_color = "white", font=("Fira Code", 15, "bold"),
                    border_width=5, second_hand_width=3, minute_hand_width=5, hour_hand_width=7, 
                    hour_color='white', minute_color='white', start_time='05:15:49')


Example 2

Example 3:

from customtkinter import *
from CTkClock import *

root = CTk()
root.title('Custom Tkinter Example')

clock = AnalogClock(root, radius = 160, font_color = "black", font=("Fira Code", 15, "bold"),
                    border_width=5, second_hand_width=4, minute_hand_width=6, hour_hand_width=8, ), rely=0.05,)

clock = AnalogClock(root, radius = 150, font_color = "black", font=("Fira Code", 15, "bold"), border_color='#008000',
                    border_width=5, second_hand_width=4, minute_hand_width=6, hour_hand_width=8,
                    hour_color="red", minute_color="purple", second_color="green", 
                    start_time='03:45:55', shape='rectangle', ), rely=0.05,)

clock = AnalogClock(root, radius = 150, font_color = "black", font=("Fira Code", 15, "bold"),
                    border_width=5, fg_color='#d3d3d3', 
                    quarter_hour=True,), rely=0.55,)

clock = AnalogClock(root, radius = 150, font_color = "black", font=("Fira Code", 15, "bold"),
                    border_width=5, fg_color='#d3d3d3', 
                    quarter_hour=True, quarter_symbol='*', ), rely=0.55,)


Example 3


Parameters Description
master widget or window where the clock will be placed.
radius (int): Radius of the clock in pixels.
shape (str): The shape of the clock face, either 'circle' or 'rectangle'. Default: 'circle'
border_width (int): Width of the clock border.
border_color (str): The color of the border.
clock_face_style (str): The style of clock face. Either 'Digit' or 'Roman' or 'Tick' or 'NONE'. Default: 'digit'
fg_color (str): The foreground color of the clock face or 'transparent' to match the parent's background. Default: 'transparent'
bg_color (str): The background color of the clock face or 'transparent' to match the parent's background. Default: 'transparent'
font (Tuple[str, int, str]): Font specifications for the clock numbers.
font_color (str): The color of the clock numbers.
hour_color (str): The color of the hour hand.
minute_color (str): The color of the minute hand.
second_color (str): The color of the second hand.
hour_hand_width (int): The width of the hour hand.
minute_hand_width (int): The width of the minute hand.
second_hand_width (int): The width of the second hand.
start_time (Optional[str]): The initial time in the format 'HH:MM:SS'.
quarter_hour (bool): If True, display only 3, 6, 9, 12 and optional quarter symbols.
quarter_symbol (Optional[str]): Symbol to be displayed instead of numbers not divisible by 3.
quarter_symbol_color (Optional[str]): Color of the quarter symbols.


Methods Description
.get_current_time() Get the current time of the clock as a datetime object.
.get_current_strftime(format_string="%H:%M:%S") Get the current time of the clock as a formatted string.
.configure() To configure some options of the clock.