ArtemisDevelop / small_data_training_database_sql

The small_data_training_database_sql: A collection of 5M records in 20 entities, with CSVs, SQL dumps, and scripts for MariaDB/MySQL. Enhance your SQL skills!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Small_data_training_database README

The Small_data_training_database is freely available and can be used for various purposes. 
Please note that the test data in this database is classified as low-quality test data and only partially meaningful. 
They have been created to provide developers and users with the opportunity to test and explore the functionalities and structure of a database.

Using this sample database is easy. You can download the database files and integrate them into your application or project. 
The database contains test data that you can use to perform various application and query operations.

This sample database is under an open license (CC0). You are free to use, modify, 
and distribute the database as long as you comply with the license terms.

We do not provide official support for this sample database. However, 
if you have questions or issues, feel free to create an issue in this repository, and the community may be able to assist you.

Note for Downloading the Database
All data from this database, including the CSV files and MySQL dump, 
can be downloaded from the following link:

Please note that the CSV files and the MySQL dump are not available on GitHub due to their substantial size.
However, to access the entire database, we have provided it as a complete package at the link mentioned above.

Ensure that you have sufficient storage space when downloading the database, as it can be extensive.
The other database files are also available for download from this link and can be useful for various application and query operations.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at
We hope that this database proves to be valuable for your projects. Enjoy developing and exploring!

For questions or concerns, you can contact us at

We hope that this sample database proves useful for your projects. Enjoy developing and exploring!


The small_data_training_database_sql: A collection of 5M records in 20 entities, with CSVs, SQL dumps, and scripts for MariaDB/MySQL. Enhance your SQL skills!

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal