Artanic30 / WeChatBackEnd

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



For All Members


Supported method: POST

Registered at /account/login/

    "name": "David",
    "app_id": "aljsd8asdabsdb728d1djhasbkdjb",
    "app_secret": "dasdasdasdabsdb728d1djhasbkdjb",
    "code": "sdasdasdasda"

return value

    "msg": "login!",
    "token": "kjdagsjhdkanbcajgscjdgajhsbcjhagsc"

to remain login state, add followering to your request header

header: {
    'Authorization': 'JWT <str:token>'

header: {
    'Authorization': 'JWT lakshdkjagsdjkgaskjdgkjasgdkjakjabsdkjasd'

Ever since the first login, one wechat union id will be bound with a name in the member name list. If login fail, the backend will retrun

    "msg": "Error information"

and you may show the message directly to user

Abesence Application

Supported method: POST

Registered at /absence/

    "reason": "reasons",
    "time_absence": "2018-01-22",
    "type": "全体排练"

error response

    "msg": "error reasons"

type choices: 全体排练, 弦乐分排, 管乐分排, 弦乐重奏, 管乐重奏, 全体排练+弦乐分排, 全体排练+管乐分排 times reach upper bound

    "msg": "You have used up all of your chances."

Change Abesence Application

Supported method: PUT

Registered at /absence/<int:absence_id>/

    "reason": "reasons",
    "time_absence": "2018-01-22",
    "type": "A"

type choices: 全体排练, 弦乐分排, 管乐分排, 弦乐重奏, 管乐重奏, 全体排练+弦乐分排, 全体排练+管乐分排

Delete Abesence Application

Supported method: DELETE

Registered at /absence/<int:absence_id>/

401 status code
no return data

Abesence Information

Supported method: GET

Registered at /absence/

        "id": 1,
        "applier": "David",
        "processor": null,
        "reason": "testReason",
        "time_absence": "2019-11-10",
        "time_apply": "2019-11-10",
        "result": "Not processed yet!",
        "permission": false,
        "type": "全体"

For Managers

any student try access these information will get code 401

All Absence Information

Supported method: GET

Registered at /manager/

        "id": 4,
        "applier": "David",
        "processor": null,
        "reason": "testReason",
        "time_absence": "2019-11-10",
        "time_apply": "2019-11-10",
        "result": "Not processed yet!",
        "permission": false,
        "type": "全体"

All Absence Information

Supported method: PUT

Registered at /manager/<int:absence_id>/
id is the pk of absence

    "processor": "David"
    "result": "Reason for allowing/not allowing absence",
    "permission": false

return data

    "msg": "xxxxxxxx"

Members Absent

Supported method: GET

Registered at /manager/<str:time>/present/ time in YYYY-MM-DD formate example: ('2020-3-12')

  "time": "2018-01-22",
        "name": "David",
        "state": "absent"
        "name": "John",
        "state": "absent"

Members Absent in Next Rehearsal

filtered by the closest time anyone applied for absence.

Supported method: GET

Registered at /manager/next/

    "time": "2020-03-24",
    "stringed": [
            "id": 23340,
            "applier": "赵乘风",
            "processor": null,
            "reason": "test2",
            "time_absence": "2020-03-24",
            "type": "全体排练",
            "time_apply": "2020-02-08",
            "result": "Not processed yet!",
            "permission": false
    "wind": [
            "id": 23340,
            "applier": "赵乘风",
            "processor": null,
            "reason": "test2",
            "time_absence": "2020-03-24",
            "type": "全体排练",
            "time_apply": "2020-02-08",
            "result": "Not processed yet!",
            "permission": false
    "percussion": [
            "id": 23340,
            "applier": "赵乘风",
            "processor": null,
            "reason": "test2",
            "time_absence": "2020-03-24",
            "type": "全体排练",
            "time_apply": "2020-02-08",
            "result": "Not processed yet!",
            "permission": false

Members Absent Before the Current Date

Supported method: GET

Registered at /manager/history/

        "id": 4,
        "applier": "David",
        "processor": null,
        "reason": "testReason",
        "time_absence": "2019-11-10",
        "time_apply": "2019-11-10",
        "result": "Not processed yet!",
        "permission": false,
        "type": "全体"

Members Absent After the Current Date

Supported method: GET

Registered at /manager/future/

        "id": 4,
        "applier": "David",
        "processor": null,
        "reason": "testReason",
        "time_absence": "2019-11-10",
        "time_apply": "2019-11-10",
        "result": "Not processed yet!",
        "permission": false,
        "type": "全体"

Depoly(Only the part I remember)

start virtual environment

cd /env:root_dir source bin/activate

install requirement library

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

tips: (sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt) will install teh library to the system's environment instead of env's

update database(abandoned, merged into script)

python3 makemigrations python3 migrate

start uwsgi

sudo bash (the script is set up)



Language:Python 97.6%Language:Shell 2.4%