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My products and libraries

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Here is some products and libraries that I have made. Enjoy! :)

I mentioned here only the best projects of mine. If you want to see the full list, you can visit this page.

Some russian meme


PSR Implementation

I wrote 2 frameworks that implement PSR interfaces.

They were built for learning purposes, so I think using them in production is a bad idea. But you can still watch the source code (even if it's not updated to the latest PHP Version), and came up with new ideas.

I created organization to separate repositories, related to this project.


At this moment, I have created 1 React library, 1 Vue library and 2 TypeScript libraries. I also created TS template for creating libs.
My NPM Account

They can be not very helpful and original, but creating them was very interesting experience.

In the future, I will think more about the usability. Here is the list of them:

Laravel store project

In 2019, when I was 16 years old, I created store pet project in Laravel. I asked one youtuber to review it, and he did it!

More than 2 years passed, and I have rethought the project structure and architecture a lot of times. I don't care about the stars/likes, but repositories with stars attract some people :D

That's why I mentioned it here.

Review video

Admin panel

This project might be the most useful in this list, because I created it for purpose.

I created in very short time (few days), so I didn't use complicated architecture. This admin panel allows you to set up and control the server for the very popular game without any programming knowledge.

I also used my own framework to create this project.

I am a very lazy and busy man, and also I don't play games anymore, that's why I abandoned it a little (but you can fork it and maintain, of course :)).

My own website

I am also working on my own website now. You can check it here.