Arpita309 / freecodecamp

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All FreecodeCamp projects of Front End Libraries Certification

1 . Drum Machine:

In this project I made a drum machine which plays different sounds when user either clicks on the certain button from keyboard or mouse. This project has been in React using multiple components approach. Live Demo


2 . JavaScript Calculator :

Calculator build using vanilla javascript. Live Demo

Screenshot :

3 . Markdown Previewer :

This project was about how to use React component and it helped me in familiarising with state of a component. render() gets called every time the state of component get modified. In this project, user enters a mark down text in the input area, it gets converted to Marked preview. Live Demo

Screenshot :

4 . Pomodoro Clock :

This clock is based on the Pomodoro Technique - he technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. In this you can set the session's and break length as per your wish , a sound will be produced after a session or break is completed. Live Demo

Screenshot :

5 . Random- Quote- machine :

It displays the different quotes to the user. Live Demo

Screenshot :



Language:JavaScript 74.9%Language:HTML 14.1%Language:CSS 11.0%