Arpit078 / instaPost

puppeteer.js app that can be used in social media campaigning i.e. scheduling posts. At this point this repo is only available for instagram. As of now this program can generate digital art using free tier apis of and write custom caption for each post using chatGPT api.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A bot that creates ai art and posts on an instagram page

planned changes :

  • add better content instead of just digital art, better create a art piece inpired from recent news with added text using node libraries and copywriting by chatgpt.
  • add more error catching code and make error proof.


puppeteer.js app that can be used in social media campaigning i.e. scheduling posts. At this point this repo is only available for instagram. As of now this program can generate digital art using free tier apis of and write custom caption for each post using chatGPT api.


Language:JavaScript 89.7%Language:Dockerfile 9.0%Language:Batchfile 1.4%