Arnesfield / preformat

Log with custom formatting.

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Log with custom formatting.

const logger = preformat({ success: '<DONE>' });
logger.log('Hello %s!', 'World');
logger.success('Hello %s!', 'World');
Hello World!
<DONE> Hello World!


npm install preformat

Use the module:

// ES6
import preformat from 'preformat';

// CommonJS
const { preformat } = require('preformat');


preformat (logger)

The preformat function accepts a format value (default format) or an object with format values, and it returns a Preformat object (logger).

Properties Description Type
logger.force Force logging even with no params. Object, methods return Preformat object
logger.format Format params instead of logging. Object, methods return any[]
logger.format.force Force formatting even with no params. Object, methods return any[]
logger.handle(handler) Set handler callback and override default logging. Returns Preformat object
logger[methods] Default existing format methods: default, log, info, error, warn, debug, trace Returns Preformat object
logger.* Other custom format methods. Returns Preformat object


  • Basic formatting:

    const logger = preformat('Prefix:');
    logger.log('Hello %s!', 'World');
    Prefix: Hello World!
  • Formatting with function:

    const logger = preformat(() => {
      const year = new Date().getFullYear();
      return `[${year}]`;
    logger.log('Hello %s!', 'World');
    [2021] Hello World!
  • Multiple formatting:

    const logger = preformat({
      default: '[DEFAULT]',
      log: '[LOG]',
      info: '[INFO]',
      error: () => '[ERR]',
      warn: '[WARN]',
      debug: () => {
        const year = new Date().getFullYear();
        return `[DEUBG-${year}]`;
      .log('Hello %s!', 'World')
      .error('Hello %s!', 'World')
      .debug('Hello %s!', 'World');
    [LOG] Hello World!
    [ERR] Hello World!
    [DEBUG-2021] Hello World!
  • Custom formatting:

    You can apply custom format method names to the object and use them through the logger.

    const logger = preformat({ success: '<DONE>', test: () => '<TEST>' });
    logger.success('Hello %s!', 'World');
    logger.test('Hello %s!', 'World');
    <DONE> Hello World!
    <TEST> Hello World!
  • Formatting with substitution:

    const logger = preformat({
      default: 'DEFAULT: %s foo',
      error: 'ERROR: %s bar'
    logger.log(200).error(400, 'error').warn('[%d]', 300, 'warn');
    DEFAULT: 200 foo
    ERROR: 400 bar error
    DEFAULT: [300] foo warn


The logger.force object contains the format methods that will apply the format even if params is empty.

By default, the format methods will print out an empty line if there are no params similar to console.log(), but using force will always include the formatting.

const logger = preformat({ success: '<DONE>' });
logger.success('Hello %s!', 'World');
logger.force.success('Hello %s!', 'World');

<DONE> Hello World!
<DONE> Hello World!


The logger.format object contains the format methods and each method will return the formatted result (type: any[]). Example:

const logger = preformat({ success: '<DONE>' });
const output = logger.format.success('Hello %s!', 'World');
[ '<DONE> Hello %s!', 'World' ]


The logger.format.force object will apply the formatting even without params. Its methods will also return the formatted result.

const logger = preformat({ success: '<DONE>' });
const value1 = logger.format.success();
const value2 = logger.format.force.success();
[ '<DONE>' ]


The logger.handle method accepts a callback handler to handle the format method call.

By default, it uses console to log the formatted parameters. You can override this functionality. Example:

const logger = preformat({ success: '<DONE>' });

logger.handle((mode, args, defaultHandler) => {
  // mode is the format method (e.g. log, success, etc.)
  console.log('mode:', mode);
  // args is an object:
  // args.raw contains the raw parameters
  console.log('args.raw:', args.raw);
  // args.params contains the formatted parameters
  console.log('args.params:', args.params);
  // defaultHandler is the default handle function
  defaultHandler(mode, args);

logger.success('Hello %s!', 'World');
mode: success
args.raw: [ 'Hello %s!', 'World' ]
args.params: [ '<DONE> Hello %s!', 'World' ]
<DONE> Hello World!

You can use the default handler again by passing in null or undefined to the logger.handle call:

const logger = preformat();
logger.log('Hello %s!', 'World');
Hello World!


Applies util.format() and util.inspect() to params.

import { format } from 'preformat';

const value = format('Hello %s!', 'World', ':)');
[ 'Hello World! :)' ]

It will return an array with one string if params were provided. Otherwise, it will return an empty array.


This helps to distinguish empty params from undefined values.


Checks whether a mode is part of the default format methods.

import { isLogMethod } from 'preformat';

isLogMethod('log'); // true
isLogMethod('success'); // false

This can be useful when overriding the default logging via logger.handle.


Licensed under the MIT License.


Log with custom formatting.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 87.7%Language:JavaScript 12.3%