ArleneAndrews / eternalopposites-rewrite

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Working on re-doing the time-waster that was Eternal Opposites. Teaching myself a different language, as well.

Pairs I remember are: Love hate Life death Male Female Peace War Sunner winter Day night Good evil rich poor Spring fall Yin-Yang (one is always at the apex, on in a random location)

Update - Thankks to the local library selling off old computers, I now have access to the original files! I will add these as time permits.

This file is the best copy (so far)of the original documentation of the Win95 game. I'm hoping to get a better one, with the images and missing text. Arlene Andrews (Novemeber 2018)

Eternal Opposites

Object of the Game

The object of the game is clear the tableau of all tiles. This can only be accomplished by uniting the one Yinyang tile always found at random in the draw pile with its counterpart which always resides at the apex of the tableau.

Uncovered tiles from the tableau are removed in one of the following three ways (uncovered tiles have no tableau tiles below them): :images here:

  1. The tile on the draw pile can be paired with its uncovered opposite on the tableu.(Example: GOOD plays on the tableau EVIL.)

  2. A bone pile tile can be paired with its uncovered opposite on the tableau. (Example: Bone pile PEACE paired with WAR.)

  3. Uncovered tableau paired with its uncovered tableau opposite. (Example: tableau PEACE paired with WAR.)

How to Make a Play

Click on a tile -- it will become highlighted by a red box around it -- then click on the tile's opposite. Both tiles will then vanished.

To remove the highlight and deselect a tile, click on it again or click the flip button.

Flip Button

If there are no more plays, click the flip button or press the ENTER key. This causes the draw pile tile to be moved to the bone pile, uncovering the next draw pile tile. There are 22 tiles in the draw pile at the start of a game. The "flipped" tile will land on the bone pile with the fewest tiles (left-most in case of ties).

The Five Levels

Eternal Opposites has five playing levels with varying numbers of bone piles and varying numbers of pairs of opposites. The total tiles in play is always 50. The number of bone piles is equal to the level number. The structure of opposites is shown in this table:


Pairs of 1 2 3 4 5

Love/Hate 6 5 4 4 3 Male/Female 6 5 4 4 3 Peace/War 6 5 4 4 3 Day/Night 6 5 4 3 3 Life/Death - 4 4 3 3 Good/Evil - - 4 3 3 Wealth/Poverty - - - 3 3 Old/Young - - - - 3

Game Varieties

Level Progression - (default) in this game each level is played in succession. The object is to accumulate the lowest total score - zero is the lowest possible, but the odds of this are about the same as getting two straight flushes in a row!

Pyramid - In this game the object is to make it to level 5 and score a 7 or less. The catch is, you must score a 7 on each lower level to advance. Scoring 11 or more drops you a level. The number of games it takes you to win is tallied. Set aside several hours if you are intent on winning a game of Pyramid!

Level Play - this allows you to pick a level. Scores are not accumulated for level play, which is provided for practicing.

Menu Options

File Menu New Game - Abandons the current game and starts over. Exit - Exit the game.

Options Menu Stats Window - A check mark toggle that displays or removes the statistics in the upper right corner of the screen. Tile Pattern - Brings up a window where you can select the Abstract tile pattern for a little variety. A future release is planned providing more tile options. Game Variety - Brings up a window to choose between Level Progression, Pyramid, and Level Play. :paintbrush image :

So What is a Yin-Yang, anyways? The yinyang is an ancient symbol of the Far East, representing a philosophy stressing the importance of opposing and conterbalancing forces of nature. The yin (the female principle) swallows and is swallowed by the yang (the male principle). Any principle also contains a dash of its opposing force, hence the dots of the opposite in the symbol . The symbol is in no way associated with witchcraft or satanism, as the author has found to his chagrin that a large percentage of the populace seems to think! Among other places, the yinyang can be found on the South Korean flag and in the Wingdings font set on your computer! (left bracket - [ )

This game is SHAREWARE You may freely distribute Eternal Opposites to your friends and collegues, but you may not sell it. If you play it for more than a month and you are an upright citizen, you will gladly mail the author the paltry sum of $10 to compensate him for the zillions of hours spent developing it. Even if you do register your copy, however, you are warned that the software is distributed on an as-is basis and the author disclaims any warrants as to the performance of this software product. By using this software, you agree to absolve the author of any liabilities.

Distribution Package: ETERN_OP.EXE - the game program ETERN_OP.WRI - this documentation, Windows Write format VBRUN300.DLL - required Visual Basic 3.0 run-time module

Tile Designing Contest In lieu of a registration fee, you may also register your game by mailing the author a tile set on a 3.5" floppy. The tiles should be stored in Windows bitmap (.BMP) format (Paintbrush can store in this format). If you use Paintbrush, set the image attributes to width of .78 and height of .42 inches. There should be 8 pairs of tiles, plus the two yinyang tiles. Use the Menu Option TILE PATTERN to serve as an overall guideline. Use any file-naming convention you want, but try to make it logical - explanations and notes can be put on a README file. You can use one of two themes: "traditional" - improve on the opposites as given (LOVE/HATE, DAY/NIGHT, etc.) or "progressive", create your own scheme of opposites, explicit or abstract. Deadline: December 31, 1996.

Registration and tile set submissions to: Charles Arnold 310 West John Street Champaign, IL 61820

Any tile set submissions become the property of the author of Eternal Opposites. The best submissions will be incorporated in a future release of the game - creators will be credited (and maybe even rewarded if the game is successful in taking in revenue). : image? : opposing force, hence the dots of the opposite in the symbol . The symbol is in no way associated with
