ArkMind-Sdn-Bhd / Technical_Assessment_AI_Engineer_1

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Arkmind AI Engineer Technical Assessment 1

Task Description

Your task is to train a classification model using a dataset containing various features related to loan data. The goal is to classify the status of the application (APPROVE/REJECT) based on the provided features.


The dataset (data.csv) contains columns including applicant personal information and loan information.

Column description:

  • loanApplied - Loan amount which applied by applicant
  • financeAmount - Approved loan amount
  • ela - Maximum loan amount which the applicant is eligible to loan based on his/her financial capability
  • netSalary - Applicant net salary
  • loanTenure - Loan tenure
  • interestRate - Loan interest rate in percentage
  • applicationStatus - final status decided by management team (APPROVED/REJECTED)

The target for this dataset is applicationStatus.


  • Use any programming language or framework of your choice for model training.
  • Preprocess the data and split the dataset into training and testing sets (e.g., 80% training, 20% testing).
  • Train a classification model on the training set to predict the applicationStatus label.
  • Evaluate the model on the testing set and report the performance metrics (e.g., accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score).
  • Provide any necessary data preprocessing steps and explain your choice of model.


Please submit the following:

  • A Jupyter notebook or script containing the code for data loading, preprocessing, model training, and evaluation.
  • A brief explanation of your approach, including any insights gained from the data and the rationale behind your choice of model.
  • Any additional comments or observations about the dataset or the task.
  • requirements.txt

Evaluation Criteria

Your submission will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Clarity and organization of the code. (10%)
  • Correctness of the model implementation. (50%)
  • Accuracy and thoroughness of the model evaluation. (20%)
  • Explanation of the approach and choice of model. (20%)
