Arjunmore6673 / react-native-chat-app

A react native chat application built using firebase and react-native-gifted-chat.

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A react native chat application built using firebase, firebase cloud functions and react-native-gifted-chat.


(Feel free to open any issues if found.)


  1. Groups/Private Chat.
  2. Self-destructing messages (set the timer).
  3. Share Gifs.
  4. MarkDown Support.
  5. Location Sharing
  6. Users and Channel Search.
  7. Profile Section.
  8. Unread Messages Indicator
  9. Typing Indicator


  1. Ios Support.
  2. Implement Private Chat.
  3. Location Sharing
  4. Markdown Support
  5. User Search.
  6. UI Improvements.
  7. Information modals for groups and user info.
  8. Send Images.
  9. Optimization and Refactor.
  10. Push Notifications
  11. Typing Indicator
  12. Rewrite using Hooks


  1. Follow the react-native-firebase setup guide here to correctly set up firebase.

    (Get your google-services.json file from your firebase console and paste it inside android/app folder.)
  2. yarn install to install all dependencies.

  3. Initialize a firebase cloud function project.

  4. Download your admin sdk key file from and paste it inside the functions directory inside the cloud functions project.

Add the following code to your functions/index.js: (For self-destucting messages and online/offline presence to work)

const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const {performance} = require('perf_hooks');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
  credential: admin.credential.cert(require('YOUR_ADMIN_SDK_FILE.json'))

// Since this code will be running in the Cloud Functions environment
// we call initialize Firestore without any arguments because it
// detects authentication from the environment.

const firestore = admin.firestore();

// Create a new function which is triggered on changes to /status/{uid}
// Note: This is a Realtime Database trigger, *not* Cloud Firestore.

exports.onUserStatusChanged = functions.database.ref('/status/{uid}').onUpdate(
    async (change, context) => {
      // Get the data written to Realtime Database
      const eventStatus = change.after.val();

      // Then use other event data to create a reference to the
      // corresponding Firestore document.
      const userStatusFirestoreRef = firestore.doc(`status/${context.params.uid}`);

      // It is likely that the Realtime Database change that triggered
      // this event has already been overwritten by a fast change in
      // online / offline status, so we'll re-read the current data
      // and compare the timestamps.
      const statusSnapshot = await change.after.ref.once('value');
      const status = statusSnapshot.val();
      console.log(status, eventStatus);
      // If the current timestamp for this data is newer than
      // the data that triggered this event, we exit this function.
      if (status.last_changed > eventStatus.last_changed) {
        return null;

      // Otherwise, we convert the last_changed field to a Date
      eventStatus.last_changed = new Date(eventStatus.last_changed);

      // ... and write it to Firestore.
      return userStatusFirestoreRef.set(eventStatus);

    exports.manageTimedMessages = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
        var start =;
        let ref;
        const type = req.body.type;
        if(type === 'private') {
          ref = firestore.collection('privateMessages')
        } else {
          ref = firestore.collection('messages')
        // console.log(ref);
        const channelId = req.body.channelId;
        const messageId = req.body.messageId;
        const timer = req.body.timer;
        const messageType = req.body.messageType;
        ref.doc(channelId).collection('chats').doc(messageId).get().then((message) => {
          var newMessage = { };
          if( && > 0) {
            if (newMessage[`${messageType}`]) {
              delete newMessage[`${messageType}`]
              newMessage.text = 'This message has been deleted.'
              newMessage.messageType = 'deleted';
              newMessage.duration = 0;
          return ({newMessage, duration:});
        }).then(({newMessage, duration}) => {
          var end =;
          let execution = (end-start)/1000;
          return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            setTimeout(resolve.bind(null, { document: ref.doc(channelId).collection('chats').doc(messageId), newMessage }), (duration-execution)*1000);
        }).then(({document, newMessage}) => {
              return document.set(newMessage)
        }).then(message => {
           return res.json({ success: true });
        catch(e => {
          res.json({ error: 'There was an error.', e: e.toString() });

Make sure you have delpoyed your cloud function!


A react native chat application built using firebase and react-native-gifted-chat.


Language:JavaScript 91.8%Language:Objective-C 3.1%Language:Java 2.4%Language:Ruby 2.3%Language:Python 0.4%